Rush Challenges President Bambi to a debate

Not that I believe that the President will really do it, but it is noteworthy….

From the Big fat guy that has more money than me:

But I have an idea. If these guys are so impressed with themselves, and if they are so sure of their correctness, why doesn’t President Obama come on my show? We will do a one-on-one debate of ideas and policies. Now, his people in this Politico story, it’s on the record. They’re claiming they wanted me all along. They wanted me to be the focus of attention. So let’s have the debate! I am offering President Obama to come on this program — without staffers, without a teleprompter, without note cards — to debate me on the issues. Let’s talk about free markets versus government control. Let’s talk about nationalizing health care and raising taxes on small business.

However, anyone with a bucket of common sense knows that the President of the United States will not going on that show. That would be like Joseph McCarthy going on Edward R. Murrow’s to debate the existence of Communists in the Government. (Yes, Purists I know, He came on the show once in a pre-taped statement… I have watched “Good Night and Good Luck”) Better yet, it would be like Bill O’Reilly going on Keith Olbermann to debate Politics. Never.Gonna.Happen.

Um, No, I am not calling Obama a Communist, that’s Allan Keyes gig, and I don’t wanna put that guy out of a job. 😀

But then there’s this….:

I’m calling.  I’m ready.  I’ll do everything I can to facilitate it.  You’re a very courageous man, Mr. President.  I am, after all, just The Last Man Standing.  If you take me out, if you can wipe me out in a debate and prove to the rest of America that what I say is senseless and wrong, do you realize you will own the United States of America? You will have no opposition.  You have America’s media in your back pocket.  It’s amazing. In 1972, Richard Nixon had an enemies list, and the media was outraged by this.  They were outraged. At the same time, those who weren’t on it were a little jealous.  But they were outraged that a president would engage in this kind of behavior toward the media.  Now they go after a private citizen.

Rahm Emanuel is leading the team going after a private citizen, and the Drive-By Media applaud, get on board and help further the mission.  We live in different times.  So if you can wipe me out — and, by the way, Mr. President, and Mr. Emanuel: Don’t make the mistake of assuming I’m wiping myself out here in the process.  I want to thank you guys for elevating me beyond the stature I already earned and achieved, because now more and more Americans have the opportunity to learn who you really are, what your ideas will really accomplish, and what damage and harm I think your policies will bring for a very, very long time to them and to this country.  So I want to thank you for the opportunity.  Obviously, it’s a threat targeting me.  I’ve extended the invitation.  I’m looking forward to hearing back from whoever in your cabal one way or the other on accepting my offer.

Has anything bothered tell this meatball that he’s nothing more than the sideshow? I mean, I’ve had my heady moments in my day, but I am convinced that this guy sits around and jerks off to his own picture. Kind of like Sean Hannity, except with him, it’s nude pictures of 14 year old boys.

A Oddball Bunch, them Neo-Cons are…. 🙄

Edited to fix a rather humorous typo…. I had the right last name, just the wrong McCarthy! 😆 🙄 😛