Heartache: Internet Advertising is not working

It’s a good read over at TechCrunch:

Why Advertising Is Failing On The Internet.

Not to worry, I am not taking my banners down. The recession has got to end sometime! 😀

Seriously; I believe this recession will mostly get rid of surplus in the advertising Market. As much as I hate to admit it, there has been a great deal of overkill in that Market. Not to mention in the blogging world! I think the recession might clear out the clutter and allow we full time bloggers to flourish and get noticed.

I noticed before the downturn in the economy happened, the online advertising market seemed to be saturated. It now seems that the 12 inch pipe of flowing water has now shrunk to a faucet trickle. This will be a good thing, in some respects.

I just hope I am right! 🙂

(H/T Twitter)