What Michelle really means is…

One again, Michelle Malkin goes off the rails:

It’s one thing to see left-wingers pimp the myth that conservatives don’t do reporting. But to have a Beltway conservative show up to CPAC and lazily engage in such uninformed sanctimony? Funny thing is: Carlson was a terrific reporter in the early days of his own career…before he went on to become one of those many, you know, professional analyzers of things. Do as he says, not as he does.

He deserves all the boos he got.

Translation? Because Tucker Carlson did not stick to the Neo-Conservative talking points handed out by the Bush Administration to the Conservative reporters, Bloggers and anyone else that would recite them, he deserves to be shamed and boo’ed.

….And for what it is worth, Michelle? Tucker Carlson has had a helluva better career than you’ve ever had. I think I smell a little jealousy.

Update: I should have put this in earlier, but I didn’t think about it. I will say this, Tucker Carlson going to CPAC, which is generally accepted as a Republican “shindig” and saying what he did, was quite stupid; seeing that he is a Libertarian. But my feelings about Malkin’s carping about Tucker’s comments remain unabated.