The Southern Avenger on “Screwing the Country”

See that there is quite the Meme happening right now about the Anti-Stimulus demonstrations going around. I thought I would offer this video to the short memory Neo-Conservatives, like Michelle Malkin, who are bitching about this Stimulus. This video asks the question, where exactly were these people when George W. Bush was spending this country into a hole with Iraq?

The Video:

The Southern Avenger HQ

The Southern Avanger at Taki’s Magazine

2 Replies to “The Southern Avenger on “Screwing the Country””

  1. Well done. It’s nice to see someone else who can see through both sides’ rhetoric. I will add that Mr Savage, whose photo was in your collection, is NOT a Bush puppet. Hannity and Limbaugh, I can’t argue with you on those.

  2. Down right schizophrenic is right.

    Every Republican I know is now talking like a Reagan Conservative …meanwhile, one cannot say one bad word about Bush, for they wish to “move on”.

    Republican schizophrenia is the same on the war issue. Squarely against Clinton’s Bosnia invasion and bombing, said not a word about leaving and ending it during the 8 years of Bush. Youtube McCain on Bosnia and then wonder what happened to that position once Bush was in office.

    schizophrenia is more than well made point, it is a disease of the mind.

    Lets just hope that that antiwar peace movement of the Left is not so afflicted when it comes to Obama.

    But don’t hold your breath.

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