The Painfully Obligatory, Cat in the Hen House sounding, Ann Coulter does The View video posting (Whew!)

I’m posting this, because it will most likely get me hits here. (I’m such a Blog hit whore)

I haven’t watched this, except for the excerpt on Keith’s show earlier. I couldn’t bear it, nothing annoys me more than listening to a bunch of harpy broads arguing. (Don’t look at me like that, you know I am damned right. (About the broads, not my politics…) )

Anyhow, Here you are:

Here is my offical Political Byline political opinion on Coulter doing “The View”:

Ann Coulter going on The View to pimp her book, makes about as much sense as a cat going into a pen of Pitbulls and expecting an audience. I mean, the pitbull’s don’t give a crap about what that cat is going to say, they just want to eat him for lunch! Likewise, Coulter going on “The View” is about as dumb; those women do not give a crap about what Ann Coulter thinks, they just wanted to jump her butt because she’s a lightening rod Conservative harpy.

I can understand the desire to sell her book, but cripes does she have to run in front of a damned amtrack to do so?

….and in a blatant attempt at bastardy Capitalism, here’s Ann’s book via Amazon:

(H/T HotAir)

2 Replies to “The Painfully Obligatory, Cat in the Hen House sounding, Ann Coulter does The View video posting (Whew!)”

  1. Of course it’s painful.

    One of the great things about listening to your opponent is to listen and listen good! Maybe, just maybe they make a valid point. Coulter is just that type of opponent. Her outside veneer rattles the knee-jerk liberals who practice the consistent inability, when thrown into a good argument, to tread water at the surface and instead sink right to the bottom without holding their breath. In other words… this group finds it impossible to contain their silliness from the beginning and go right into attack mode without examining the arguments Coulter posits.

    It is great that Coulter goes on the view. This affords one of the rare… very rare opportunities those harpies will ever have to be exposed to common sense logic backed by evidence. Of course, being knee-jerk liberals and always blathering on, they never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity to become informed.

    Yeah it’s painful… but the liberal mind crammed with cliches and phoney baloney moral outrage has that effect. Never sitting quiet enough to listen ensures that they will learn nothing in the process.

    1. Number one, I am not a Liberal.

      Number Two, I think Coulter is a great writer; but she comes off looking like the court jester instead of some serious political commentator.

      Number Three, she also is quite the Neo-Con who still pushes the long discredited Bush line.

      Number Four, One of Ann’s most fatal flaws is that, when challenged, she gets a horrible attitude and jumps to the defensive, especially if someone begins to insult her.

      This is why I don’t read her books, I want intelligent arguments, not stupidity and screed.

      Just my thoughts,


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