Thank You Michelle

I’ve criticized Michelle Malkin in times pasts, when I felt that she has went off the rails.

Today, is not going to be one of those days.

Michelle writes in her column today about the stupidity of the conspiracy theorists. One of them, as that morally depraved, Homosexual “So-Called” Conservative;  Andrew Sullivan, who still, to this day, does not believe that Sarah Palin’s baby was hers.   Another is a group of ignorant morons who are attempting to prove that President-Elect Barack Obama is not a true United States Citizen.

Both of these are rooted in one thing, and one thing only. Stupidity. I believe that people that are going after Obama for one reason and one reason only. Abject Racism.

…and before anyone brings up my photo in the sidebar. It is one thing to inform the Minorities that I do not believe in diversity. It is another to waste my tax dollars, to attempt to bring a lawsuit to the supreme court, that has absolutely no merit at all.

So, to Michelle; I say thank you. Thank You for bringing up what I have been saying for a while now. Some people just need to accept the fact that a BLACK MAN is going to be our next President and get over it and MOVE ON!

Further more, let me bring up another factoid. Many of you may have heard about the ridiculous e-mail that has been forwarded around, that Obama was a Muslim, and then the one that he was not a true citizen. Do you know where those ridiculous e-mails originated from? No? Well, I will tell you. They originated from a White Nationalist Forum called “Stormfront.” (Google it… I dare not send those turkeys traffic)

How I did know this was the case? Way back when those e-mails first started circulating. I took the first paragraph and entered it into google, guess which site came up first in the results? That’s right, Stormfront. When I brought this to light on my old blog, which was originally called “The Populist”. Someone must have brought it to the attention of “Stormfront’s” Management, because not too long after that, the entry disappeared, interestingly, it disappeared from Google’s cache too.

The really sick and sad part is this. Some idiot wrote an Op-Ed over at the Conservative Voice, which has since merged with Townhall, he took most, if not all, of the information from this e-mail; without citing his source, of course, and wrote this long editorial stating that Obama was a Muslim and not a United States Citizen.

My point is this, people point the finger of accusation of why John McCain lost this election. The only people that those within the G.O.P. should be blaming; is themselves and their own base.

Do not misunderstand me; I dislike the idea of Barack Obama being the President just as much as anyone else.  But to delve into the arena of Conspiracy Theory and blatant stupidity does nothing to further the cause of Conservatism. It simply makes us look one way and one way only; Stupid!

2 Replies to “Thank You Michelle”

    1. Ya, thanks for helping the current loser administration decimate this country! Thank

      Before, I would delete a comment like this. But I would like to know,exactly how did Bush or how is Bush himself decimating this country? and… please, be specific. I mean, the economy is in the shape it is in, Because of Bill Clinton’s stupidity while he was in office. I admit, the Republicans did nothing to stop it. In fact, the White House WARNED congress and they did nothing. Now do tell, how did Bush do this? and how does this relate to Obama? I wonder. Please, do tell.

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