Your Nightly Circular Firing Squad Post….

Well, maybe not…. But just shut up and read on…. πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜› πŸ˜€

Michelle Malkin, As much as I respect her as a Conservative; albeit an knuckle-headed Neo-Conservative, but just the same, a Conservative; There are times when the the lady does stuff that makes me step back and really wonder, “What the hell does that woman drink when she’s posting on that blog?” Now, I realize that it might not be nothing stronger than your average double shot of espresso. But, this one here even made me go, “HUH?!?!

What I am talking about is this. Obama is keeping Robert Gates. This made me personally go “Whew!” Because I believe that gates knows the score of what’s happening on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan. (So to speak) It also shows, I think that ol’ Barry is a not your typical far-lefty, “End the WAR NOOOOWWWWWWW!” type of the Democrat politican. It also shows that he’s trying to lead from the Center. A Pragmatist, if you will.

Well, anyhow, of course, Malkin starts carping on her Blog, sounding like a 8 year old kid with turret’s, hollering “Hope Change! Hope Change! Hope Change!” So, i thought, “Okay, I’ll look around a little…” I looked at the list of Blogs who are discussing the fact that he’s keeping Gates, okay. Did I see any lefty flipping out? Nope! I even checked the most lefty Blog I know, and the closest thing I could come up with, was this post here and it wasn’t even of the normal nutty netroots type.

So, honestly, I cannot figure out what Malkin’s problem is. I mean, of course knowing her, she’d critize Obama if he changed the defense secretary. Which is kind of funny, considering she’s supposedly a Christian and Christians are not supposed to criticize others and they’re supposed to respect those in authority. Some Christian eh? πŸ™„ (My feelings towards Catholics and thier supposed Christianity aside.) Of course, she thinks that she can trash Obama and go to mass or to a confessional and everything will be fine. Of course, if you know the Bible, that is false. You confess your sin to the Lord Jesus and not to a “Priest”.

Anyhow, I just don’t get it. Why knock the man for something that might be a good thing?