The Obligatory Obama’s Aunt is here illegally post

I say “obligatory”, because I say it is quite silly that the Conservative Blogosphere is having a hissy fit over that fact that his Aunt was living here.

Obama says that he did not know, and you know, I’m inclined to believe the guy. You just cannot keep track of everything your damn family does.

Hell, I have a cousin who’s a career criminal, am I responsible for his actions? Hell no!

It just seems to me, that the Conservative Blogosphere has been on the hunt to; dare I say the word?; Lynch Barack Obama for having the gall, the outright audacity, the very nerve; to run for President of The United States of America. For, dare I say it?; venturing into White Man’s territory.

I think the that the George W. Bush Administration would do well to just leave well enough alone. Because the last thing that the Republican Party needs is to be known as the Party that deported an African-American Presidential Candidate’s aunt from the United States. That would indeed be the nail in the coffin of that political party. As it is now, the Republican Party has been tarred by the irresponsibilty of some of it’s more fringe elements. The last thing they need right now is something like this on the minds of everyone voting come November 4.

….and that’s my take on it.

(H/T Memeornadum)

3 Replies to “The Obligatory Obama’s Aunt is here illegally post”

  1. Makes me think,

    (yeah, it makes me think too, how people can be so fucking stupid… do you honestly think that I would approve such an idiot comment? Please! I deal with facts here people and not fucking bullshit propaganda here. You want to comment here, fine, do so, but don’t come here with your fucking stupid bullshit propaganda, cause it will get deleted in a big ass hurry. Fucking morons. 🙄 😡 -Pat)

  2. It’s not an issue . . . if you haven’t denounced anyone who keeps the wealth they have earned as selfish.

    It’s not an issue . . . unless it shows that you are all for taking money from other people and giving it to strangers for the sake of income redistribution while you can’t seem to keep track of, or help out, blood relatives who are poor.

    Also your final proposal is that the Bush administration accept that people who are politically connected are above the law. That’s an interesting view to take.

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