
Play nice

The election is over with for goodness sakes… Let’s work on rebuilding and not on the killing of one other.

…and for goodness sakes stop with the damned navel grazing already! 🙄

We lost, big deal, life goes on, we became the minority. It isn’t the end of the world ya’ll.

Don’t make me come outta this bunker…. 😛

15 Replies to “Kids…Kids….”

    1. And so in the post of mine that you linked, I didn’t play nice . . . how?


      I wasn’t trying to saying that you weren’t playing nice. I was trying to make the point that infighting within the Conservative Blogging world isn’t going to change the fact that we lost. We should try to get along with one other. Myself included…


      We can get more done in the repair work, if we all work together, instead of beating one another over the head.


  1. Don’t see it as navel gazing. More like debriefing.

    The party needs some changes, and “can’t we just get along” ain’t going to cut it.

    Hard choices must be made if we are to stop the slide left. Continuing to act like Democrats, like McCain, is a losing game, and bi-partisanship is for suckers.

  2. You say so. I say by not running a true conservative candidate, and not having a record of conservative practices from Republicans in Congress, we will stay in the minority.

    By the looks of things, my theory is unlikely to be tested.

    1. I agree with you on the fiscal end of things lee. Spending got waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy outta hand with Bush. Not to mention the moronic propping up of the banks. Something the Democrats started and the Republicans did ZILCH to stop before the collapse.

      So, I’m with you on that one. I just think Sarah Palin was a idiotic mistake.

  3. Further more, Iraq was a tragic mistake…..In the sense that we should have double, triple and quadruple checked our Intelligence, before we went in there.

    However! Because I’m a not a defeatist suck bag liberal, I feel that if we leave before those people can stand on their own two feet and defend themselves and before we fix what we broke, those people will, in fact, hate us for a very long time.

  4. Well, I disagree with you about Iraq and Palin, but that’s OK. I really respect your realistic stance on Iraq now, even though you think it was a mistake.

    Personally, I think those 4,000 brave soldiers that died in Iraq probably saved more than 4,000 civilians here at home.

    We will never know now.

    As for Palin, I believe she is an awesome leader, and exactly what the conservative movement needs. I know this because of the way the left reacted to her. Scared’em to death.
    If McCain would have picked Huckabee, They would have gotten about half the votes as Palin delivered.

    1. As for Palin, I believe she is an awesome leader, and exactly what the conservative movement needs. I know this because of the way the left reacted to her. Scared’em to death.

      I agree. Sorta. I think she needs more experience in Government. She should trying running for Steven’s office, I think.

      If McCain would have picked Huckabee, They would have gotten about half the votes as Palin delivered

      I think Huckabee got a bad rap. He was a bit more Conservative than McCain. I expected him to pick Tim Pawlenty myself.

  5. She should trying running for Steven’s office, I think.

    Not me, Senators are rarely elected to the Executive. Only happened this year because both were Senators.

    The Governorship is best; Reagan, Clinton and Bush were all Governors.

  6. She didn’t seem to do too well in some interviews, Katie Courics most notably.

    Thought she mopped up the floor with Biden at the debate.
    The answers were probably a draw, but she showed real leadership qualities to me, the way she owned the dbate, domonated it. That moderator woman with her book about Obama coming out didn’t have a hope, she explained her positions plainly and with conviction, and she had Biden totally charmed and he sometimes forgot to be the opponent.

    I’m not a professional debate judge though. I just know a natural when I see one.

    1. Meh… call me old fashioned, call me a bigot; I just don’t believe women belong in politics. Women were made to make babies and be supporters to their husbands. I feel that about ’em all.

      I guess that’s why I’m still single. 😀

    1. Yowza!

      Yeah, you aren’t going to have many friends thinking that.

      heh…. yeah… Well, she’s doing Governor thing and doing it well, I suppose. I don’t hold it against her. But I wouldn’t wanna be married to her.

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