For once, I agree with something written at TownHall!

I could not have said it better myself!

Filmmaker Michael Moore hailed an election night “landslide of hope in a time of deep despair. In a nation that was founded on genocide and then built on the backs of slaves, it was an unexpected moment, shocking in its simplicity.” Actually, Mr. Moore’s ignorance is shocking in its simplicity. The notions that America was founded on genocide, and built its wealth mostly on the labor of slaves, are big lies – two of “The 10 Big Lies About America” that I wrote my new book to rebut. The truth about America shows an imperfect country, to be sure, but one struggling to do right and blessing its own people, and the world at large, as no other nation. In a season of Thanksgiving, it’s more necessary than ever to confront the smears against our past and present – the big lies about America.

For once I happen to agree with Conservative author and Blogger, Michael Medved. It is not everyday that this happens, so mark a calendar. Even when I was a “Left of Center” type, I found Michael Moore’s tripe to be most silly. Truth be told, Moore is nothing more than a idiot opportunist, not to mention a fucking douche bag.

Thanks Michael for saying what I have been thinking for a long time.