But of course: Now that she’s not a threat, they want to fawn over her…

(H/T to The Corner)

Over at My Way, they’re reporting that:

Gov. Sarah Palin hadn’t been back home in Alaska for a full day and her staff had begun fielding requests Thursday for postelection interviews, including from Barbara Walters, Oprah Winfrey, Larry King and others.

Palin had been expected at her office in Anchorage but later notified her staff that she wouldn’t show up after all. She remained at her home in Wasilla, located 40 miles to the north, but was expected in her office on Friday, spokesman Bill McAllister said.

“The intensity of all the interest is amazing. Everyone wants to talk to her,” he said.

Palin is coming off a whirlwind nine weeks of almost nonstop travel and campaigning since becoming Republican John McCain’s vice presidential running mate in late August. McCain and Palin lost Tuesday’s election to Democrats Barack Obama and Joe Biden.

Oh yeah, now that she is not a threat to Obama’s agenda, the Liberal media wants to treat her like a martyr of the Feminist Movement. Personally, If I were Palin, I would tell the likes of Oprah, King and Walters to kiss my ass.

Of course, she’ll run the show circuit and write a book, and basically become the next Ann Coulter. Which is about what she’s good for, if you ask me.