An Organization that I think all Americans should get behind

I normally do not like to promote organizations on this Blog, other than the one’s in the links section of this Blog.

But this one, is important; As much as I know that going into Iraq was a mistake, because of bad intelligence. I believe that those that are over there now, mopping up the mess that Bush created over in Iraq are very worthy of our Honor, Love, and Support. That also goes for those still fighting the very justified war in Afghanistan.

I ask that all my readers, of all political stripes, whomever you might be, to head on over to the website Below and give as much as you are able. It is because of these fine men and woman, who putting their asses on the line, that we’re to live free here in America.

A couple Videos to Watch:

Get the Book:

click on the picture below to head over to Survivor Corps:

Donate Today to Help Our Returning Troops! Donate Now! Survivor Corps

Give to these Guys, God knows, they’re the ones that deserve the honor and glory, not those dirt bags in Washington D.C.