Sigh…. Why does John McCain say stupid stuff like this?

Oy…. Talk about out of touch… He thinks he’s going to win?

McCain guarantees victory Via

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that he can “guarantee” a win on Nov. 4 in a squeaker victory that won’t be clear until late that night.

McCain spoke amid signs of a tightening race, and reports of renewed determination among his staff, which is badly outgunned in both money and manpower.

“I guarantee you that two weeks from now, you will see this has been a very close race, and I believe that I’m going to win it,” McCain told interim "Meet" moderator Tom Brokaw. “We’re going to do well in this campaign, my friend. We’re going to win it, and it’s going to be tight, and we’re going to be up late.”

I think the old duffer is losing his flipping noodle if you ask me. Hell, even David Frum at the NRO knows it’s a damn lost cause!


The themes and messages that are galvanizing the crowds for Palin are bleeding Sens. John Sununu in New Hampshire, Gordon Smith in Oregon, Norm Coleman in Minnesota and Susan Collins in Maine. The Palin approach might have been expected to work better in more traditionally conservative states such as Virginia, North Carolina and Georgia, but they have not worked well enough to compensate for the weak Republican economic message at a moment of global financial crisis. Result: the certain loss of John Warner’s Senate seat in Virginia, the probable loss of Elizabeth Dole’s in North Carolina, an unexpectedly tough fight for Saxby Chambliss’s in Georgia — and an apparent GOP surrender in Colorado, where it looks as if the National Republican Senatorial Committee has already pulled its ads from the air.

The fundraising challenge only makes things worse. The Republican senatorial and congressional committees have badly underperformed compared with their Democratic counterparts — and the Republican National Committee, which has done well, is directing its money toward the presidential campaign, rather than to local races. (It was RNC funds, not McCain ’08 money, that paid the now-famous $150,000 for Palin’s campaign wardrobe, for example.) This is a huge mistake.

In these last days before the vote, Republicans need to face some strategic realities. Our resources are limited, and our message is failing. We cannot fight on all fronts. We are cannibalizing races that we must win and probably can win in order to help a national campaign that is almost certainly lost. In these final 10 days, our goal should be: senators first.

I think McCain needs to just keep his damned mouth shut about Guaranteeing a win and run this election out and be happy he gets the votes that he does get. Otherwise, the damned G.O.P. is going to be even more, of what it is now; a damned laughing stock.

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One Reply to “Sigh…. Why does John McCain say stupid stuff like this?”

  1. almost everything that mccain says is a total contradiction not to mention makes no sense. he just makes no sense. you know… i work with people with disabilities and i am convinced that my patients are smarter than mccain.

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