Idiot Moonbat quote of the day….

From that Homosexually owned Moonbat center, Media Matters for America:

Matt Drudge is still doing his loyal best to boost the chances of the GOP down the homestretch in the form of a blizzard of anti-Obama and pro-McCain links on his site. (Last week, it was the half-baked McCain “comeback” that Drudge hyped relentlessly.)

And there’s no question that Drudge’s Web traffic remains strong and continues to grow, thanks to a burgeoning international audience. But in terms of setting the ground rules — in terms of setting the campaign agenda — Drudge has been AWOL since mid-September when the credit crisis erupted.

His current spectator status mirrors that of the low-flying right-wing bloggers. Just as the bloggers were hailed for their (pseudo) detective work in undermining CBS’ Dan Rather in 2004, Drudge was credited for the way he used his widely read platform to push the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth story into the mainstream press, which helped derail John Kerry’s campaign.

Four years ago, Drudge and the right-wing bloggers were at the peak of their political power. Today, they’re pretty much watching the election pass them by, reduced to the role of frustrated sideline hecklers.

Oh really? Raised Eyebrow I have news for that idiot, we Conservative Bloggers are still here, we’re still powerful and we’re not going any damned where. Enjoy the ride Moonbats, because that Magic Negro personal “Messiah” of yours has got to screw up sometime or another.

I mean, I just cannot wait till he is elected into office and then begins to break every damned last campaign promise that he has made in the past. That will be the best Blog fodder ever.  I just cannot wait for the frustrated Blog postings of “He Betrayed us!!!!”

It will make for some awesome hilarity, that is for sure.

Frustrated sideline hecklers, my ass. PhbbbtttAngryBring it onLoserRaised Eyebrow