Dean Barnett needs our Prayers

Some urgent, but sad news via Mark Steyn at the NRO’s The Corner:

Keep Dean Barnett in your prayers tonight. Dean is one of our comrades over at The Weekly Standard, and the regular guest host of The Hugh Hewitt Show, and in both capacities is one of the sharpest commentators on this year’s election. He’s also one of the least deluded citizens in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Dean is in the ICU with a bad cystic fibrosis attack. We wish him well, and hope to see him back on the frontlines very soon.

If you kindly pardon me a second, while I take my political hat off for a minute. While I might not agree with some finer points of the kind of Conservatism that comes out of the Weekly Standard. In the end, Barnett and me and everyone else who agrees that Conservatism is still a viable political stance, are Conservatives.

So, Barnett, hurry up, get well, and get your royal behind back to the damn keyboard soldier. We got a Country to defend, political ideologies to promote and a damn country to save from the socialists! That’s an order!

The rest of you are hereby ordered to get on your knees and do something that’s not commonly seen. Pray. If you’re Jewish, Do what they Jews do, when they pray. If you’re a Christian, you already know what to do. If you’re Catholic, Pray the Rosary, hell, pray two, it can’t hurt.
