Oy! – Communist Liberal New York Times Asks: “What Should Be Done with the 9/11 Hijackers’ Remains?”

You are not going to believe this one. I even cannot believe it.

It is stories like this right here, that convince me, that the New York Times is nothing more than a front for the Communist Party of the United States.

It seems that we have the remains of 13 of the 19 men, who slammed the planes in to the World Trade Center Towers, the Pentagon and into that field in Pennsylvania. Now, it seems, that the New York Times is fretting about what should become of the remains of these monsters who carried out the attacks, of September 11, 2001.  The attacks that killed 2,999 and injured 6,291 or more.

Quoting the Communists:

Seven years after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, the remains of 13 of the 19 men responsible have been identified and are in the custody of the F.B.I. and the New York City medical examiner’s office.

But no one has formally requested the remains in order to bury them.

"Politically, one can understand that this is a hot potato," said Muneer Fareed, secretary general of the Islamic Society of North America and a former professor of Islamic studies. "People don’t want to identify with the political equivalent of Jeffrey Dahmer."

What would happen if someone asked for the hijackers’ remains is not clear.

Neither the Federal Bureau of Investigation, which holds the remains of the nine hijackers whose planes hit the Pentagon and crashed in a field in Somerset County, Pa., nor the New York City medical examiner’s office, which holds the remains of 4 of the 10 hijackers who flew planes into the World Trade Center buildings, has policies to deal with such a request.

"If and when it comes up, we’ll address it then," an F.B.I. spokesman, Richard Kolko, said.

The bureau could turn down such requests, Mr. Kolko said, because the Sept. 11 investigation is an open case.

The medical examiner’s office, which, like the F.B.I., refuses to say where exactly the remains are being kept, will eventually put together a committee to come up with a policy, said Ellen Borakove, a spokeswoman for the office.

Groups representing the victims of Sept. 11 are not sure what should be done with the remains.

"It would be sadly ironic if they ended up being properly buried or sent to a Muslim country when many of the remains of the victims remain buried in a garbage dump," said Kurt Horning, a founder with his wife, Diane, of the group WTC Families for Proper Burial. "I know we’d feel very distressed."

The Hornings’ son, Matthew, 26, was working at the World Trade Center and died there on Sept. 11. Their group has been advocating for excavation of the Fresh Kills landfill on Staten Island where ash and other debris from the World Trade Center site was buried. The group believes the debris may contain identifiable remains.

The identified remains of the victims of Sept. 11 are regularly returned to their families upon request, after officials have made positive identifications.

Some of the users at Right Wing News have some ideas.

What really tweaks me off about this is, why in the hell would a major newspaper such as the New York Times, even have the audacity to even ask a question like this in public newspaper?

I mean, has The New York Times utterly forgotten the horror and shock felt on the morning that the terrorist attacks were carried out in this country? You know, I have accused the far left of being nothing more than terrorist sympathizers, but this just proves it more than I could ever imagine.

As I have said on this Blog many times before, almost to the point where it has become somewhat of a talking point. Do you now see why I left that side of the damned political isle?

I am sorry, but any damned political party that believes, that terrorists have the same standing in the World, as the rest of law abiding Americans, is, as far as I am concerned nothing more than pure Anti-American. The people that carried out the September 11 attacks on this country were not humans, they were utter animals, possessed by a satanic religion that teaches that it is, if I can dare to be so blunt to even use the word; godly to kill people to further a mindless purpose in a religion. 

There is a ton more I could write about this, as to my feelings about Islam. But for one, I do not what to be pegged as a hatemonger and two, this entry would be like 4 pages long. Instead, I’ll just refer you to my bookstore, where I have a section to Islam and the hatred behind it. Click here to go check it out. I am also thinking of adding a section about 9/11, It will be added in the near future.