My obligatory cold-hearted Conservative Hurricane Ike posting.

I’m up early this morning. I believe there’s hope for the body clock yet.

I happen to be reading the early morning news stories, via Memeorandum, and I happen to see something, besides the wall to wall coverage of Sarah Palin.

It is a story in the Austin-American Statesmen, about the Galveston Jail prisoners not being evacuated.

The Story says:

An estimated 1,000 prisoners remained locked in the Galveston County Jail this afternoon, as the Hurricane Ike began battering the island city with flooding.

County officials earlier had ordered a mandatory evacuation for all residents. Sheriff’s officials insisted the prisoners and jailers were safe and sound, in a 2-year-old building designed to withstand hurricanes.

A sheriff’s office spokesman said the plan was for the prisoners and jailers to weather the storm in place — unless an evacuation took place later today. Sheriff’s office spokesman Maj. Ray Tuttoilmondo told the Houston Chronicle that the reason for not evacuating the prisoners is a security issue and cannot be discussed,

Even so, he said, “the prisoners and their safety and well-being are paramount and it will be handled.”

In Austin, several legislative offices early this afternoon lodged angry complaints with Galveston County and state officials that the jail had not been evacuated — and perhaps would not be.

Forecasters earlier warned that Ike’s storm surge of as much as 20 feet is possible — a level that would put water 3 feet over the top of Galveston’s seawall.

Galveston and state emergency management officials early this afternoon said they were checking on the situation at the jail.

Notice the parts that I highlighted up there? Well, I happened to look over at a rather Liberal Blog and I noticed this…:

Galveston Sheriff Leaves 1,000 Inmates AND Deputies To Die To Ike

Truly amazing. As I understand it Galveston is demographically a lot like New Orleans was when it was first hit. Lots of poor black people. I’m sure most of the inmates are black, but since the Sheriff has left his deputies there as well, I expect it’s stupidity and a general callousness towards human life, not racism.

….or maybe it’s the fact that them mean ol’ Texans just want to save a little money and let them little ol’ nigger prisoners die to save a little tax money on the city?


I am really beginning to believe that some of these liberals do suffer from some sort of mental disorder. Perhaps Michael Savage was correct.

Besides, what’s a few knocked off prisoners? I mean, it could only help relieve the tax burden on the state, having to house, feed and clothe them. Some of whom will never change their criminal ways. Michigan should bring back the death penalty, it would only help lower the prison population, and reduce crime.

Yeah, I can see the comments now, “You heartless S.O.B.!” Well, save it. I would never want to see anyone killed. I am very sure those sheriffs down there know what their doing.  Before anyone screams, “What about Katrina?” I say, “What about it?” Those people were fully warned of the impending disaster, they failed to heed the warnings. Because of this, people died, and because of their stupidity, they suffered loss, and then expected the Government to be their nanny. Which is so typical of Liberals. I’m sorry, but I just do not believe in a nanny state. You do something stupid and you suffer loss, don’t expect me or anyone else, including the Government, to be your babysitter.

So, there, there’s your daily dose of cold-hearted Conservatism.

Update: Glenn Reynolds has an excellent round up of links related to the storm.

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