Quite frankly, What the hell took so long?

I must say, I am not in the least bit surprised about this, at all. I know little or nothing about the other person who was running John McCain’s Campaign before, but quite frankly, he was doing little more than making John McCain look like some sort of a foil or stooge for Barack Obama.

Steve Schmidt is taking over the day-to-day operation of John McCain’s campaign, according to multiple campaign sources.

At a staff meeting in the campaign’s Arlington, Va., headquarters this morning, campaign manager Rick Davis made the announcement about Schmidt’s new role. – Jonathan Martin’s Blog: Schmidt takes control of day-to-day operation – Politico.com

It is as they say, polls speak louder the words, and up till very recently, John McCain was lagging behind Barack Obama. So, a change was made. Either way, it can only be for the good.

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