My thoughts on Obama in Berlin Germany

Okay, Here are my thoughts on Barack’s speech and about him being overseas.

First off, I don’t know how many readers of come over here and read my Blog. But in case you didn’t notice, I left early from Ed’s Show today. Why? Here’s why, okay?… and just hear me out. I’m just getting tired of it all. I’m getting tired of listening to Conservatives and their lame ass bullshit. What am I talking about? The sifting through Obama’s speeches to see if he contradicts himself. The constant lame ass mocking of his campaign. The very idiotic attempt to paint him as something that he isn’t. First it was that he was some sort of psudo-Muslim, Then it was a communist, then it was an elitist. It is all just stupid nonsense. In fact, I’ve just taken the sidebar ad off, with the link to the two sites, the one, that is run by pissed off Democrats and Hillary supporters and the other run by a Conservative, that makes a bunch of totally unproven accusations against Obama.

My biggest question to those who take some sort of warped pleasure in doing this is, have you people bothered to stop and look at how lame and stupid John McCain is making the Republican Party look? I know, Obama has made some gaffes, but has anyone bothered to check out how many gaffes McCain has made? The are just about equal, if not more.

As for what Barack did in Germany, I watched what little the drive by media showed. There were 200 thousand people there, and not the very little that was said over on Ed’s Show. The man, quite frankly, kicked some serious ass. He has upstaged John McCain and made him look like an out of touch old fool. The argument by the Conservatives that what he did was reserved for Presidents is quite frankly non-sequitur. Obama is not only running for President of the United States of America, he is running for the position of the leader of the damn free world. The quicker the Conservatives figure this out, the better off they will be. The problem is that the Republicans are more interested in droning the same ol’ lame assed, stale talking points, over and over and over and over, to the point sounding like someone with a bad case of tourettes syndrome.

I guess what I am a bit dismayed over, is the fact that talking points have become more popular than substance in this election, especially by the Republicans and Conservatives. It just gets old. I am just getting tired of the same stuff everyday. Nothing original, nothing new, just stale talking points.

I think that the best thing that the Republican Party and the Conservatives as a whole can do, is to accept the fact that John McCain is going to lose this election and get in the mode of working towards 2012. I mean, what the hell can John McCain run on?? He has zero credentials with the Economy or how to handle it. The war in Iraq is a big issue, but this economy is a much broader issue. It just seems that the more McCain tries to tout his leadership credentials, the more of buffoon he appears to be.

I’m saying all this because, quite frankly, I am just tapped out. I need a break from this headline chasing. So, tomorrow, unless some earth shattering headline demands me to write. I will be taking the day to just relax and not try and do this political opinion crap. I also may take the entire weekend off. I really need it. Because at this point, this whole blogging thing is quite frankly, starting to suck really bad.

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