Political Byline is withdrawing support of Chuck Baldwin

I hate to be the one to say this… But due this Below, I am formally withdrawing my support of Chuck Baldwin:

From Chuck Baldwin’s 2008 Presidential Campaign website – On the Economy

“Our economy should be designed to provide opportunities and freedom for the millions of average Americans across this great country, not to insure profits for international bankers and multinational corporations.

“When I become President, I will work feverishly to overturn the Sixteenth Amendment, which would repeal the Income Tax. And, no, I would not promote a national sales tax. That would be disastrous! Can you imagine what a 30% sales tax would do to the cost of EVERYTHING? Plus, give politicians a national sales tax to increase and just imagine what kind of percent that would grow into!

“I would also work to repeal the “death tax,” inheritance taxes, and property taxes. The American people are already paying somewhere between 30% and 40% of their income to Uncle Sam. It must stop. We are bankrupting our country with this incessant and burdensome tax system.

“In addition, I would work to expunge the Federal Reserve and to restore the American economy to sound money. The Fed’s economic policies, in addition to the irresponsible spending of politicians in Washington have lead directly to the collapse of the dollar. No system of “debt money” should ever again be imposed on the people of the United States. We will work to restore a debt free, interest free money system that works for the people of this country and not for the benefit of the international banking cartel.

This above is total nonsense, how are we supposed to pay to maintain our infrastructure? Taxes have always paid for that. This above is just silliness and I cannot and will not support it.

I do wish him luck in the election race.

2 Replies to “Political Byline is withdrawing support of Chuck Baldwin”

  1. How did we maintain our infrastructure before their was an income tax? The answer to your question, “how are we supposed to pay to maintain our infrastructure?”, is by cutting all unconstitutional spending. If we bring the size of the federal government back down to where it should be based on the US Constitution, we will find that the government doesn’t need all of the tax dollars that it claims it does.

  2. The problem with this mentality is this, the taxes were created, because the Government realized that we could not continue as a country, with roads being built for cars. without a Tax system. The mentality of those who are of a “No Tax” mentality are quite frankly simple minded. We need taxes to support our infrastructure. Sorry if that peeves people off, but it’s the truth.

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