Larry Sinclair holds Press Conference and gets arrested

Man, go to bed early and all kinds of stuff comes up. WOW!

It seems that Larry Sinclair, the guy who is, in fact, a convicted criminal, who has made some pretty wild and quite unbelievable accusations against Obama. was arrested yesterday after a circus-like press conference yesterday.

Reason Magazine
was there and reports:

How did Sinclair hold up? Rather terribly. He started with a lengthy statement that admitted most (not all) of his crimes and dispatched Sibley to run around the room with a microphone. As Seth Colter Walls recounts, most of the questions were legalistic and (somewhat) credulous. Sinclair was asked who funded the event (donors, over the internet), how he made his living (he’s on disability), and whether Obama was “well hung” (I’m not going to dignify his answer here). The only new “evidence” he presented was the name of a limo driver and the bar where he claimed to have met Obama (who, in Sinclair’s story, used his real name and job title as he rendevouzed with a cruising criminal he’d never met before).

It also seems that the ending of the Press Conference didn’t not go so well either:

“Thank you.” Sinclair moved on and Sibley refused to let me ask another question. Why didn’t I wait until the end of the press conference and rush up to the accuser? The second Sinclair stopped taking questions, he fled the room and reporters were denied access to anyone but Sibley. I was a little disappointed until I heard the reason. Larry Sinclair was arrested after the press conference and is being held by the Washington, D.C. metropolitan police. He’s been charged as a fugitive from justice; one of his warrants can be seen here.

So much for making a big impression of the Main Stream Media. Anyhow, I predict that this will be yesterdays news by later today. Although, it did kind of strike me as quite funny that the Police would show up and have the man arrested, Although, from what I read, a couple of talk show jocks were behind that.

I also noticed something else, AmericaBlog Reports:

In his post about Larry Sinclair, the now-jailed (again) guy spreading bizarre rumors about Obama, Ben Smith notes the following:

At the Press Club, Avi also ran into Will Bower, a sometimes-Huffington Post blogger who founded “Party Unity, My Ass” – a group for die-hard Clinton supporters that are now backing McCain – and was invited by the McCain campaign last weekend to meet with the presumptive Republican nominee, and called Sinclair’s story “worth exploring.”

And from Ben’s post 4 days ago, we confirm that Will Bower was in fact invited, and did attend, a private meeting with McCain last weekend. Anyone else find it interesting that McCain is wooing a guy who is telling the media that Sinclair’s smears are “worth exploring”? I’d love to know what the McCain campaign’s involvement is here, whether they talked to Bower about this story, whether Bower told them he was going to the press conference, whether they’re now prepared to reject and denounce Bower for trying to push this story? It’s just a bit sleazy finding John McCain’s name mixed up in all of this.

Now that would be some news, McCain springs the guy out and lets him tell his story to the McCain supporters. Although, I highly and seriously doubt that McCain’s people would even touch this story or this guy. Because if he is largely discredited, and McCain used this, it would blow up in his face. Hell, even Huckabee even said if the G.O.P. tried to demonize Obama that they would pay for it dearly.

Like I said, this rather silly story will be yesterday’s news by noon today.

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