The Smartest thing John McCain ever did

John McCain yesterday did the smartest thing that he possibly could have. He rejected the endorsements of John Hagee and Rod Parsley. I happen to know a bit about these two, they have been flying under the radar for many years.

Here is the truth about these two:

Neither John Hagee nor Rod Parsley stands for mainstream Christianity. John Hagee is a Non-Denominational preacher, he is considered amongst Fundamentalist Christians, like me, as a snake oil salesman. He says the things that he does for one reason and one reason only, to sell books. He is, as far as I am concerned, the Christian world’s version of Ann Coulter.

Rod Parsley on the other hand is a certified kook, I know quite a bit about this guy, as I used to be involved in the group Christians that he is associated. Rod Parsley is a Pentecostal Christian; Pentecostalism is one of the most misguided versions of Christianity ever. Pentecostals believe that the “signs and wonders,” that existed during the time of the Apostles of the book of Acts in the Bible, still exist today. This movement got its start in 1907, at the Azusa Street “Revivals” in California. It would be safe to say that the majority of Main-stream Christians reject the doctrines of these Christians, and truthfully, Pentecostal Christianity was not even remotely in the mainstream until after the late 1960’s. Pentecostalism essentially is nothing more than a very large mind-controlling cult. I know, I spent 21 years in it and came out in 2004, after waking up and realizing how deceived these people are.

What’s more, Ron Parsley is a world class phony, Rod Parsley was thrown out of a Bible college for punching a student in the face for supposedly flirting with his now wife. He was also tossed because of the Corvette that he drove around, he was seen on this college campus as a “playboy” and not a serious candidate for the Ministry. Parsley also preaches what is known in Christian circles as the “Prosperity Gospel.” This is the biggest and grossest distortion of the Biblical doctrine of tithing ever.

Therefore, to be blunt, John McCain did one of the smartest things that he could have ever done. He has gotten rid of some of the more fringe people within Christianity.