Hezbollah Spy gets off with a Gets $750 Fine, no jail time…


Debbie Schlussel has more, as do others.

I’ve noticed over at said Blogs that the comparison between this and the Compean and Ramos situation. There’s only one problem. There is no comparison.

The facts are this, Compean and Ramos engaged in the shooting of an unarmed, fleeing suspect, destroying evidence, and engaged in a cover-up, and they were prosecuted for it. Which I think is a good thing. There is a thing in this country, called the rule of law, and if you break it, you go to jail.

Much of the Internet coverage surrounding these two guys is given by Conservatives and some Nationalists. Much of which is mired in Racism.

I am all for the stopping illegal immigration, but for it to be done in a lawful manner. Not in a manner such as these two guys did.

I am sure there are two sides to every story, as I am sure there is here. But something doesn’t smell right with the supporters side of it.