A perfect example of the far left loon delusional movement

Can be found right here.

This Blog entry is a perfect example of the Left’s attempt to paint people, like myself, who care about the problem of Illegal Immigration as racist, lunatic conspiracy theorists.

The fact of the matter is, that illegal immigration is real and not an imagined problem, and yes, Illegal immigration is a very common source of infectious diseases, and is a BIG MAJOR cause of crime in this country. 

One of my favorite Blogs that covers this problem in the greatest detail is Freedom Folks. Freedom folks is the home of Blogs for Borders, which is a Video Podcast or Blogburst as it is called, that carefully documents the crimes and other illegal immigration news that affects our country every day.

So, don’t buy the lie of the Homosexual Communist Liberals, Illegal Immigration IS a problem and unless we, the American people STAND UP for our land and demand that our feckless Government do something about it. We will be in deep trouble.

So, join Blogs 4 Borders and put the Liberal Lie machine, out of Business.

Some other organizations that are on the leading edge of this fight are Save our State, NewsWithViews, The Republic Broadcasting Network, and The Constitution Party

Remember folks, unless we stand now, we will serve on our knees later.