When did Liberalism lose its moment?

I was checking out the news items going around this morning and I happen to come upon an Op-Ed Article in the Washington Post by E. J. Dionne Jr. I understand also that Mr. Dionne has some of his facts wrong. That is the one thing about Op-Ed pieces; they are strictly opinion and opinion alone.

I honestly believe that the only thing that I really have to interject to this ongoing conversation is this; I personally believe that Liberalism lost it’s moment, after the murders of JFK, RFK and MLK in the sense that the mainstream, more centrist progressives became replaced with more far left liberals, the anti-God, anti-moral values, zealot types. I have noticed this in this election cycle, which Liberalism has become nastier, it is more than just a difference of political opinion; it is more of outright utter hatred of anything even remotely conservative! A perfect example of this would be the far lefty-liberal Blog, the Daily KOS.

I also believe that the original message of Martin Luther King Jr., was hijacked by group of individuals, who did not want to see equal rights for all, but rather a national black majority in which the blacks rule the land and white men cower in fear. So far, they have about accomplished this. In other words, the peaceful message of equality of Martin Luther King Jr. was replaced with the domination messages of Malcolm X. This is quite commonly known as identity politics, mingled with Black Nationalism, recently brought to light by the so-called “reverend” Jeremiah Wright.

There are other Bloggers with Opinions on this, they are: Gristmill, The Mahablog, Hot Air, The Other McCain, The New Republic and TownHall Blog

Cross Posted @ Wayward Fundamentalist Christian