Right Wing Bloggers for Jesus! WOO HOO!

Yeah, I know it’s a gay title, but I thought it was funny. Tongue

The Story:  Blogging While Female (Via Right Wing News (Conservative News and Views))

 Every so often in the blogosphere, on the Left and the Right, hostile debates over gender seem to rise up to the surface like a leviathan from the depths. Some male bloggers tend to think women get more links because they’re women, some female bloggers think there’s some sort of a "good ol’ boys" club that keeps them from getting big, and more than a few people seem to get huffy about the whole debate.

However, the fact is that the issue is much more complex than it appears on the surface. The blogging experience ISN’T THE SAME for men and women. There are different advantages, disadvantages, and challenges that both men and women have to face.

I read two of the female Bloggers, Michelle Malkin and Rachel Lucas. Rachel Lucas is very, very, very, funny. I was shocked that they didn’t even mention Mary Katherine Ham, of whom I think is quite the looker. Ericka Andersen and Amanda Carpenter aren’t nothing to sneeze at either. Of course, I’m a 35 year old wrinkled up old fool and those ladies are like kids to me, so, all that’s just a faint dream for this old fart. Sad Ah well, such as life. Big Grin

Others on the babe Bloggers: TownHall Blog, Redstate, Rachel Lucas, michellemalkin.com, Lawyers, Guns and Money, Atlas Shrugs and Vox Popoli

(H/T Memeorandum)