Obama’s Speech

Here is the Video, a link to the transcript and my personal reaction.

Here it is:

Transcript is available at TPM Election Central

Okay here is my official reaction. I watched the entire speech. At first, I thought, "Oh Boy, here he goes into his regular talking points." However, as I continued to watch, he began to discuss the current situation, and I feel he addressed them as best he could, given the situation that he is in.

I am however, quite dismayed of the reaction among the conservatives within the Blogging community. They are just downright dismissive, and that,  frankly bothers me, how is it, that the party that was, during it's formative years, the party of Anti-Slavery, is dismissive of a man, who is in one of the most unique of circumstances? How can they be so vile and hateful towards a man, that is doing his utter damnedest to calm down a situation, that was not of his own doing, you know who you are, You are Bastards! All of you! You should hang your God-forsaken heads in shame! You are doing absolutely nothing to further the discourse of the discussion of this election, instead, you are retreating to the cowardly corners of your Political Ideologies. May the Almighty God be your Judge! Again, I say, you ALL know who you are!

Anyhow, that's my reaction, I like it, I did feel, however, that he could have went a bit further, however, one must realize, that he is walking a tightrope, between not alienating himself from the black community, all elements of it, and not alienating the rest of America as well. It is not an easy thing to do. 

Hopefully, this speech will quell the nonsense within the media. At least it is a start on Obama's part.

Other Bloggers on this, Left and Right and everything in between: The New Republic, Washington Post, Gateway Pundit, PressThink, Transterrestrial Musings, The Huffington Post, New York Times, TownHall Blog, protein wisdom, Real Clear Politics, The Corner, Confederate Yankee, Sister Toldjah, Wall Street Journal, Commentary, Fox News, No More Mister Nice Blog, All Spin Zone, Group News Blog, Hot Air, The Caucus, MSNBC, Pam’s House Blend, ABCNEWS, Weekly Standard Blog, Marc Ambinder, Power Line, TPM Election Central, NYCweboy, OPENERS, Outside The Beltway, The Moderate Voice, MyDD, michellemalkin.com, Rocky Mountain News, Redstate, Patterico’s Pontifications, Ablogistan, The Jawa Report, Done With Mirrors, The Agonist, Brave New Films blog, THE LIBERAL JOURNAL, The Washington Note, Eunomia, Jules Crittenden, The Washington Independent, Will Wilkinson, Wake up America, Neptunus Lex, The Reaction, TPMCafe, Lean Left, Pajamas Media, Left in the West, The Sundries Shack, Don Surber, Harry’s Place, CNN, Dick Polman’s American Debate, Lynn Sweet, The Carpetbagger Report, The Strata-Sphere, TalkLeft, This ain’t Hell …, Jack and Jill Politics, Right Wing Nut HouseMore via Memeorandum