On the Republican Side: Huckabee Leads over Romney.

On the other side of the political fence. The Polls show that Hackabee still has a lead of Mitt Romney.

Hackabee is at 32% and Romney is right behind at 26%.

The sick and sad part is, neither of these guys are even remotely true Conservatives. With Romney’s Flip-flopping, and Hackabee’s skeletons in his closet, his tax hikes. They’re both just Conservative in name and not in deed.

If I were voting Republican. The only person I would vote for, who I feel is even remotely qualified for the job and that is John McCain. He sits at 13%, and that my friends, is a shame, A damn shame. Sad

Others: Slate, The Trail, Reason Magazine, The Caucus, PoliBlog (TM), No Left Turns, Mike Huckabee for President, Weekly Standard, Jonathan Martin’s Blogs, Donklephant, TPM Election Central and The New Republic