Fred Thompson Drops out.

Yep, that’s right, Fred Thompson has dropped out of the race for the White House.

There’s much opinion is to why, sources are saying that he’s taking care of his ill Mother. Other say it was because he got in too late. Something I said on my other Blog that got hacked, long ago, back when he first got in.

The people I feel sorry for, are the one’s who gave money to this guy and supported him, I mean, what do they have to show for it? Not a lousy thing.

Video Via MSNBC:

I wish Fred the best of luck.

I predict that the next one’s to drop out, will be Huckabee, Rudy, and possibly Ron Paul. Although he might run as an Independent or a Libertarian.  It will then be a mad dash between Romney and McCain. I predict that things will get nasty between McCain and Romney. Which one will get it, that I cannot predict. But it will be quite the race.