Obama Stiffs the Press

There’s an interesting piece in the Politico about Obama Stiffing the Press.

I’m divided on this one.

On one hand, I think it’s not right that the press be limited in their access to a candidate. 

On the other hand, I know that the press can be ruthless in the coverage and in their quest to get a story. Here’s a classic example. The woman did wrong, but the local press was ruthless to this woman, until she killed herself. The really cruel part is, the offending station that hounded her, mentioned her death in a very cold, passing way. I used to really respect that station, in the days when Jac Le Goff and Bill Bonds were the rulers there. Now it’s little more than a idiot station, with idiots behind the desks.

So, in a way, I can fully understand Obama’s desire to keep the media at bay. It could be, however, the secret service’s doing as well. After all, Obama did get some threats a while back, it could be that seeing he’s getting so popular, it could be that they’re afraid of people getting mixed up with the media and possibly trying to take a shot at him or something.

So, while I think it might upset the media, for their access being limited, I’m sure it’s being done for a very good reason, and not just because Obama doesn’t like them.

(H/T Memeorandum)

The Shillary – Obama Saga continues

Click here to follow that bunch of nonsense.

I am undecided at this point, if I am going to watch the debate tonight. I don’t mind it when the candidates debate the issues, But when the personal attacks start, that’s about the time I tune out. 

I’m just afraid that if Hillary launches into an attack on Obama, he might react in a bad manner and blow it for the General Election.

I might watch, But I doubt it. I’m not to like to watch a train wreck. (On her part, I mean…)

I just have a sinking feeling that this debate will degenerate into the "over the top" stuff, that I just feel has no place in a election.

Either way, I will Blog on it.

So Much for the Obama Hillary Love-in!

"No Fair! The Magic Negro is picking on me! Waaaah!"

Egad, It went from "We’ll be okay", to "I want to rip his friggin’ head off!", in the space of 48 Hours.


I guess she blew her stack over some mailers that went out in Ohio. Here’s what the Obama camp said about it:

Obama spokesman Bill Burton said his campaign looked forward "to having a debate this Tuesday on the facts, and the facts are that Sen. Clinton was a supporter of NAFTA and the China permanent trade treaties until this campaign began. "

"And she herself has said that under the Clinton health care plan, she would consider ‘going after the wages’ of Americans who don’t purchase health insurance, whether they can afford it or not," he added.

You all know me, I do not mince words on this Blog. I tell it straight out like it is. I always have. I do not discriminate against any. So, in continuing with that tradition, I am just going to say this:

Hillary, This is politics. It’s the damn real world.  If you cannot handle the heat sweetheart, then take your sorry behind, back to New York, or Arkansas or wherever the heck you live, and leave this politics business to the grow ups.

I find it very amusing, that every time someone calls this feckless closet lesbian to the carpet. She either cries and throws a hissy fit. 

Isn’t it quite obvious to the rest of the world, that this woman isn’t fit to the President of United States? 

and also, In case anyone has forgotten, this feckless idiot is also being investigated for wrong doing in a case as well.

The Video says it all:

Here’s hoping she finally pulls out of the race and we get a President that is honest. Unlike this criminal.

Obama catching sand over a comment.

Whoa Boy… Obama is catching grief over a comment made at the debates.

Mostly from the far right wing nuts, who refuse to believe that our Military is nothing short of perfect.

Some people need to really look into getting real.

Even some of the comments on the Wing Nut Blogs even ADMIT that they were using enemy weapons and bullets.

But let a Liberal diss our Military?!?!?! Off with his Negro head! Surprise

Stupidity at it’s finest. Rolling Eyes

(H/T Memeorandum)


Yes, I did watch the debates.

Yeah, I watched them. You can read the transcripts here.

It seemed the debates were quite civil. At least until Keith Olbermann’s show was over. It also tended to heat up, after Keith’s show went off. Which really struck me as odd.

Yes, I did think that. "I wonder if they knew?". ThinkingConfused

A couple good lines by Hillary:

BROWN: Senator Clinton, is it the silly season?

CLINTON: Well, I think that if your candidacy is going to be about words, then they should be your own words. That’s, I think, a very simple proposition.


And, you know, lifting whole passages from someone else’s speeches is not change you can believe in, it’s change you can Xerox. And I just don’t think…

OBAMA: Come on.


CLINTON: No, but, you know, but, Barack, it is.

Because, you know, if you look — if you look — if you look at the YouTube of these videos, it does raise questions.

Now, there is no doubt that you are a passionate, eloquent speaker, and I applaud you for that. But when you look at what we face in this country, we do need to unite the country, but we have to unite it for a purpose around very specific goals.

On the outset, this may sound like she was being snarky and cute. But this most likely will hurt her run for White House. Not recorded in this official transcript was the resounding chorus of Boo’s that went up, when the comment of the Xeroxing of comments was made. It really wasn’t Clinton’s smartest move.

Other than this here, I didn’t notice any outlandish sparring by the candidates at all.  Other than the long winding sparring over heath care. Which was supposed to be about Iraq. 

There was one good moment in this debate, however, here’s the Video:

And, you know, no matter what happens in this contest — and I am honored, I am honored to be here with Barack Obama. I am absolutely honored.


CLINTON: Whatever happens, we’re going to be fine. You know, we have strong support from our families and our friends. I just hope that we’ll be able to say the same thing about the American people, and that’s what this election should be about.

I think the Democrats, like JFK, RFK, LBJ and FDR, would be proud of that moment. That Democrats, despite their differences, can come together, when the smoke clears and work together.

I just hope it works in November. Because, we do need some change, and I’m afraid that McCain just doesn’t offer it.  He is a great man, But his foreign policy and stance on the war in Iraq, is more of the same of Bush.

Others: protein wisdom, Lawyers, Guns and Money, culturekitchen, michellemalkin.com, michael linn jones, Megan McArdle, Redstate, Lonewacko, Reproductive Health, The Democratic Daily and Fraters Libertas and More via Memeorandum




For McCain, Self-Confidence on Ethics Poses Its Own Risk  (via New York Times)

Early in Senator John McCain’s first run for the White House eight years ago, waves of anxiety swept through his small circle of advisers.

A female lobbyist had been turning up with him at fund-raisers, visiting his offices and accompanying him on a client’s corporate jet. Convinced the relationship had become romantic, some of his top advisers intervened to protect the candidate from himself — instructing staff members to block the woman’s access, privately warning her away and repeatedly confronting him, several people involved in the campaign said on the condition of anonymity.

This could be big. Although, I highly doubt it. why? Because the story lacks substance. There’s no direct accusation.

Hey, at least she’s pretty. But have you seen his wife?

Now, why in the world, would he want to cheat, on someone who looks like her?

It just don’t make any sense… I dont know

I seriously doubt the Democrats will even touch this. I could see some of the younger guys, But McCain?!!? Nah! Not him.

Update: I’ve finally sat down and read the entire story. I posted an editorial regarding this story on my other Blog, click here to read it.

Others: TownHall Blog, Power Line, The New Republic, TalkLeft, Megan McArdle, Attytood, Hullabaloo, Firedoglake, The Moderate Voice, michellemalkin.com, Prairie Weather, You Decide 08!, Salon, Hot Air, Booman Tribune, FOX Embeds, Don Surber, Riehl World View, Emptywheel, NewsBusters.org, THE LIBERAL JOURNAL, McCain Central, TBogg, The Campaign Spot, All Spin Zone, Mercury Rising, Jules Crittenden, Politics Blog, D-Day, Wonkette, the talking dog, Bang the Drum, Political Machine, Daily Kos, AMERICAblog, The RBC, Pensito Review, Sister Toldjah, MyDD, American Spectator, Oliver Willis, NO QUARTER, JammieWearingFool, The Impolitic, Big Head DC and Blue Crab Boulevard and More via Memeorandum

Clinton to go 527 on Obama

Scary Hillary Clinton That’s what they’re saying.

My feelings are this, why can’t the woman handle her own?

Why does she need a 527 group do the dirty work for her?

I mean, If she’s so damned intent on winning the  office of the President of United States, why can’t she fight her own battles?

The way I see it, if the woman cannot handle her own, while running the Office of President of the United States, what makes you think she will be able to handle even being the President?

Is she going to call a 527 to handle an attack by Al-Qaeda?  Is she going to call a 527, when congress refuses her National Healthcare Plan?

Sounds to me like the feckless wench is just desperate. Time to quit, Hillary, while you still got your dignity. (That is assuming you had any…)

Color me unimpressed.

(H/T Memeorandum)

Breaking News: Obama is being accused of gay sex and drug use…..

This could get big, if it’s true…..

Sleaze charge: ‘I took drugs, had homo sex with Obama’ (via WorldNetDaily.com)

The electrifying presidential campaign of Barack Obama faces a new challenge – a Minnesota man who claims he took cocaine in 1999 with the then-Illinois legislator and participated in homosexual acts with him.

The Video in Question:

At first I thought, “Nah…”, But, Why would someone get on Youtube, and admit that they’re gay? and say something like this, if it’s not true. I mean, after all, we do not know much about Obama, except for his very sanitized website.

This does warrant more investigation.

Update: From the feedback I am getting, this could very well possibly be a hoax. But I am leaving up the post, just an case. Some are saying that the Hillary camp might be behind this. Although, I doubt it.

Update: May 10, 2008 – This man ended up taking a lie detector test and failing. See here for more info….. and hello to the ladies in the forum debating this!

Republicans have lost their minds….

There should be a law against this sort of blatant stupidity.

Right slams Obama as ‘shady Chicago socialist’ (Via Times Online)

LEADING Republicans believe they can trounce Barack Obama in the presidential election by tarring him as a shady Chicago socialist. They are increasingly confident that his campaign could collapse by the time their attack machine has finished with him.

Grover Norquist, an influential conservative tax reform lobbyist, said: “Barack Obama has been able to create his own image and introduce himself to voters, but the swing voters in a general election are not paying attention yet. He is open to being defined as a leftwing, corrupt Chicago politician.”

Not only will this not work. But if it’s taken too much to an extreme, could really come back to bite the Republicans in the rear. One only need to go to Wikipedia to get a list of the MANY scandals that have happened during the George W. Bush Presidential Administration. Some say his stint as President was the worst ever.  I cannot say that I disagree with that.

So, I mean, they can go this route, But I would not suggest it. It would be totally disastrous for the party. 

Of course, there are some that are saying, that this is all a doing of Hillary or at least she is loving it. This would not surprise me in the least. However, I don’t think that she is directly involved, I think it is the work of an over zealous, right wing fringe. 

It should be a very interesting election year. I will be here covering it all.

Others: Althouse, Fausta’s blog, Shakespeare’s Sister, Liberal Values, Booman Tribune, No More Mister Nice Blog, American Power, Gateway Pundit, Middle Earth Journal, Oliver Willis, progressive involvement, The Ruckus, protein wisdom, Lawyers, Guns and Money, Buck Naked Politics, TalkLeft, Firedoglake, Jules Crittenden and Taylor Marsh (via Memeorandum)

Dumb Hillary Clinton Quote of the Day!

 What an Idiot!

Clinton dismisses weekend losses (via CNN Political Ticker)

Hillary Clinton on Monday explained away Barack Obama’s clean sweep of the weekend’s caucuses and primaries as a product of a caucus system that favors "activists" and, in the case of the Louisiana primary, an energized African-American community.

She told reporters who had gathered to watch her tour a General Motors plant here that "everybody knew, you all knew, what the likely outcome of these recent contests were."

"These are caucus states by and large, or in the case of Louisiana, you know, a very strong and very proud African-American electorate, which I totally respect and understand."

Clinton has publicly dismissed the caucus voting system since before Super Tuesday, seeking to lower expectations heading into a series of contests that played to Obama’s advantage. His campaign features what many consider to be a stronger and more dedicated grassroots organization than Clinton’

Freaking moron. Why didn’t she just say, "Oh those dumb ass niggers will vote for anyone… they don’t count…"?

It’s the same stupid ignorant Mentality. She’s sunk. She’ll never get elected.

I Mean, who the hell would even vote for her now, seeing she’s insulted the Black race?

I do believe, firmly, that the wheels are coming off that campaign.

Others: The Swamp, Spin Cycle, Comments from Left Field, The Page, THE LIBERAL JOURNAL, Donklephant, AMERICAblog and Balloon Juice and Others via Memeorandum

Local Story: From the "Say Whaaaat?" File: Toledo Ohio Mayor to Marines: Get lost

This is just downright disgusting………….

FWIW, Toledo is about 25 miles to the South of me here.

The Story:

Mayor to Marines: Leave downtown (Via Toledo Blade)


A company of Marine Corps Reservists received a cold send-off from downtown Toledo yesterday by order of Mayor Carty Finkbeiner.

The 200 members of Company A, 1st Battalion, 24th Marines, based in Grand Rapids, Mich., planned to spend their weekend engaged in urban patrol exercises on the streets of downtown as well as inside the mostly vacant Madison Building, 607 Madison Ave.

Toledo police knew days in advance about their plans for a three-day exercise. Yet somehow the memo never made it to Mayor Finkbeiner, who ordered the Marines out yesterday afternoon just minutes before their buses were to arrive.

"The mayor asked them to leave because they frighten people," said Brian Schwartz, the mayor’s spokesman.

"He did not want them practicing and drilling in a highly visible area."

In the interest of full and total disclosure, I fully supposed the mission in Iraq, until it was reported that there were, in fact, no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. I am not a flag waving Republican, I am not a supporter of our current President, George W. Bush. The President’s idiot Foreign Policy has ruined America’s reputation in the World. The President’s "Run Away" spending is that of Biblical proportions, and will most likely bankrupt our Nation long after he is out of office.

However, I have nothing, but the uttermost respect and admiration for the United States Armed Forces. These people are the ones who put their lives on the line, all so you and I….and this feckless idiot, can be free.

I believe personally, that what this Mayor has done, is nothing short of an outright act of Treason, against our United States Government. He should, in fact resign his position as the Mayor of Toledo, Ohio. This is nothing more than a slap in the face and a spitting on the graves of our brave United States Soldiers.

The same horror and utter contempt and disgust that I felt, when the far left thug Organization MoveOn.org took it upon themselves to smear our Military, I am now feeling again, as a far lefty loon Mayor has used his powers as a city’s Mayor, to tell the very one’s charged with keeping our Nation safe, to basically "get lost, we don’t want you here."

This my friends is nothing more than mentality and actions of a Marxist and a Communist. Any person who would impede and inhibit the training and conditioning of our United States Military, is no better or of a greater value, than a blood thirsty Al-Qeada Terrorist, and in my humble opinion, should be dealt with accordingly. However, because we are a Nation of morals and laws and of supreme justice, I cannot do, what I would like to see happen to this pitiful excuse for a man.

If you, like myself, find that the actions of this poor excuse of human being are inexcusable, I personally challenge you to contact the City of Toledo’s Mayor, you can do so, via the following:

City of Toledo’s Official Website

City Council of Toledo, Ohio (website)

Toledo, Ohio’s Mayor’s E-mail address

Mr. Mayor, Don’t screw with the Military.

God Bless America.

Update: Seems the Story is now catching on in the Main Stream Media. WNWO-TV Now has the Story.

Others on this: Wizbang, StephenBainbridge.com, michellemalkin.com, Riehl World View, Pajamas Media, The Jawa Report, NewsBusters.org, Atlas Shrugs, BLACKFIVE, BizzyBlog, The Strata-Sphere, Little Green Footballs, Instapundit.com and Right Voices, Southern Sass and The Voice , HazZzMat, Wizbang, Bookworm Room, Greatscat!,

MSNBC’s Shuster suck up to Billary for telling the truth about Chelsea.

Unbelievable. MSNBC is now having to bow down to Billary for speaking the truth about her campaign.

Here’s what was said:


PRESS: —she’s got politics in her blood, she loves her mom, she thinks she’d make a great president [crosstalk]

SHUSTER: But doesn’t it seem like Chelsea’s sort of being pimped out in some weird sort of way? [laughter]

PRESS: No! If she didn’t want to be there, she wouldn’t be there. I mean, give Chelsea a break.

I mean, please. Why the hell should that bitch get a free pass, just because her mother is running for the President? It’s the truth, she is being PIMPED by her Mother to help her Mommy run for President! I mean, how the heck do we not that she wasn’t a whore, before she got married? Another thing too, why the hell is the Clinton Campaign shielding her from the damn press? If she’s going to be in the damn mix, she should be able to handle talking to the press, what’s she trying to hide? If she’s that damn worried about her Privacy, she should stop stumping for her Mom. Just that simple.

I think it’s just downright stupid that MSNBC should make shuster apologize for anything. I wouldn’t! I tell them, that I didn’t intend to apologize to anyone, and if they wanted to fire me, I’d tell them to go right ahead.

Here’s a audio clip of Hillary’s campaign manager whining about what was said, and threatening to not to participate in debates:

Click here to Listen

Hmmmm.. Hey Wolfson! There’s some images that come to mind here:

Maybe I should say it a little louder:

How stupid can people be?

Apologize for telling the damn truth, how absurd!

I’ll just say it myself…. Hillary Clinton is WHORING out her ugly assed Daughter to get her elected!

Update: Suspended?!?! Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?!?!?

MSNBC said Shuster, who apologized on the air for his comment, has been temporarily suspended from appearing on all NBC news broadcasts except to offer his apology.

“NBC News takes these matters seriously, and offers our sincere regrets to the Clintons for the remarks,” MSNBC spokesman Jeremy Gaines said, adding the network was hopeful the debate would take place as planned

What idiotic B.S. Man…. Rolling Eyes What a bunch of Loser‘s

Others: Media Matters for America, Shakespeare’s Sister, The Huffington Post, Feministing, Feministe, The Page, Hotline On Call, Taylor Marsh, Buck Naked Politics, Anne Schroeder’s Blogs, Spin Cycle, Tom Watson, Wonkette, MyDD, Feminist Law Professors, FishBowlDC, NewsBusters.org, TalkLeft, Liberty Pundit Open Left, TPM Election Central, TalkLeft, The Carpetbagger Report, Associated Press, Hot Air, Ben Smith’s Blogs and Yikes!

Updated: Let me be absolutely clear

I want to be absolutely clear. If Hillary appears on Faux Noise (Fox News) for a debate. I WILL NOT VOTE FOR HER, I WILL HOLD MY NOSE AND VOTE REPUBLICAN! Angry

Faux Noise has proven itself to be nothing more than a Republican shill and Propaganda machine.

For Hillary Clinton to appear on that network, would be a MAJOR slap in the face to her Democrat base.

I would seriously reconsider this, if I were her.

Click here to read story over at FoxAttacks.com

Remember Hillary, We made you and we can break you.

Crossposted over on my Blog on Hillary’s Site (Blog entry at Hillary’s website was deleted go see for yourself, there were two entries there, now there is one……….)

Update: Well, Well, Well…. it seems that Hillary’s camp is now editing blog entries over on her website.

My Entry was, in fact, Deleted by her staff. Mrs. Hillary, you just lost a damn voter. I will NOT vote for you, if you get the nomination of the Democrat Party, I WILL NOT VOTE FOR YOU AT ALL, END OF STORY! You CANNOT flip the Bird to the base and try and cover up the fact that the base is pissed at you.

This is living proof that the Liberals believe in FREE SPEECH, just as long as it fits with their idiotic agenda.

It’s obvious that this feckless piece of White Trash, is in panic mode and is going everything she can to maintain her image.

If Obama wins, I will vote Democrat, but if she wins, I will not vote for her, I initially said if she went on Fox, well that’s now changed, you cannot tell me to "Screw off", by deleting my Blog entry. Sorry babe, I don’t play that.

I repeat, I will NOT Vote for Hillary Clinton, if she gets the Democrat Party’s Nomination, Period.

So Much for super Tuesday eh???

Well, that all was pretty much for nothing.

So, they say.

From what the TV is saying, Hillary is basically being called the forerunner. Obama is in second.

John McCain in the lead on the G.O.P side. Mitt Romney is taking inventory, and Huckabee is still in there.

It’s going to be an interesting year.

Others: Balloon Juice, The Daily Dish, politburo diktat 2.0, The People’s Republic …, Sister Toldjah, Spin Cycle, Political Machine, culturekitchen, The Strata-Sphere, A Blog For All, Redstate and Born at the Crest … and More via memeorandum

Keith Olbermann Special Comment on FYCA and the telecoms

Original Location

For the most part, I agree. If the Bush Administration has done nothing wrong, then why threaten to veto? Confused

Sorry, I don’t buy the frivolous lawsuit B.S. Line. 

My take on the State of the Union Address

I wasn’t overly impressed. Neither was many other people, left or right.

Watch it for yourself:

and The Democrats Response:

To me, it was just more of the same from Bush. Nothing remarkable. According to Bob Cesca over at HuffPo:

Just flipped over to FOX News. Fred Barnes: This speech "will be forgotten pretty much. Haha!"

Damn. When Fox News Channel, the cheerleaders for the Neo-Conservative branch of the G.O.P. pans a speech made by their damn hero, that’s pretty bad! SurpriseLaughingRolling on the floor

Other than that, it’s just more of the same. Not really blog worthy in my book.

Obama’s Pastor Mocks the Death of Natalee Holloway

"Black women are being raped daily in Darfur, Sudan, in the Congo and in Sub-Saharan Africa. That doesn’t make news," "One 18-year-old white girl from Alabama gets drunk on a graduation trip to Aruba, goes off and ‘gives it up’ while in a foreign country, and that stays in the news for months!", "Maybe I am missing something!" Rev. Jeremiah Wright

Read all about it, Right Here

I ask you now, Who is really the one making this election about race?

I hope this story catches on. This sort of thing is totally uncalled for.

I mean, I’m no racist, but this sort of thing is why there’s division among the races in this country.

Obama should either condemn these remarks or distance himself from this Church, once and for all. 

A winning endorsement

Presidential Candidate Barack Obama has gotten an endorsement, from the daughter of one the most important political figures of our time.


"OVER the years, I’ve been deeply moved by the people who’ve told me they wished they could feel inspired and hopeful about America the way people did when my father was president. This sense is even more profound today. That is why I am supporting a presidential candidate in the Democratic primaries, Barack Obama."CAROLINE KENNEDY

It seems by reading the Blogs today, that some do not understand the great significance of such an endorsement.  In the World of Politics getting a endorsement by the daughter of President John F. Kennedy, is basically like getting the endorsement from the head of the Roman Catholic Church. 

This is just what Obama needed, a nod from the old guard, someone from the old school to say, "Yes, we approve". It’s a feather in his cap and he will be able to take that to the White House.

It’s going to be exciting race.

Others: Jules Crittenden, The Huffington Post, Firedoglake, The Swamp, Political Machine, Say Anything, URGENT AGENDA, In Search Of Utopia, Scholars and Rogues, Publius Pundit, About.com US Liberal Politics, Threat Level, The Democratic Daily, Althouse, Reason Magazine, Prairie Weather, Los Angeles Times, Washington Wire, Roger L. Simon, The XX Factor, The Fix, PoliGazette, JustOneMinute, The Gun Toting Liberal™, Political Radar, The Daily Dish, Liberal Values, The Trail, Marc Ambinder and Gateway Pundit

Obama’s SC Victory Speech

Basically, That America wants to believe again.

So true.

Video: (via MSNBC)

I may not agree 100% with his Liberalism. But I will tell you this, if he wins. I will be voting for him. The Republicans have nothing that I want to buy. They’ve put us into a quagmire. All the while ignoring the problems at home. I hope, that Obama smokes Hillary’s butt in the remainder of the primary, for the way she acted, trying to divide a party, and over some of the stupidest nonsense. This is truly a historical moment in our Nation. The last thing we need is some idiotic, power hungry, closet lesbian, screwing up our chances to be in the White House in 2009.

Yeah, I know, you’re wondering why….

I know, you’re most likely wondering why I have not Blogged about the Debates.

Because I am just very disgusted with the whole process. That is why.

John Edwards, Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton spent most of the day, which was SUPPOSED to be celebrating the Birthday of a man who stood up for social justice, being civil to one another.

Then all at once, within a one-hour period, all of that civility went out the window.  

Some would say, “Hey, that’s politics.”, Well, you know? I disagree. Just what in the name of the Almighty, is being accomplished by the first African-American and the first Female Presidential candidates sniping over absolutely idiotic nonsense?  

I mean, what kind of image is that sending to the American people? What kind of signal is that sending to aspiring young people interested in Politics? That it is perfectly acceptable to attack someone that you are running against?

Normally, I would, without delay, post the videos of the sniping and comment about it. But that’s what the main stream media is doing. That’s what every political Blogger is doing. They’re a part of the media machine. I’m just not interested in joining the chorus of Bloggers talking about that feckless nonsense.

I am actually scared to death, why? Because I am afraid that people have seen this sniping and they’ve thought, “Why the hell should I vote for those two?” I mean, this would be great thing for Edwards, But we’re on the threshold of making history here and the two damned idiots that are principle players in it are acting like total nincompoops!

Don’t even get me started about Bill Clinton. “Hey Honey, I’m going go out and destroy you’re chances of getting elected!”, He’s another of the feckless ones. Not to mention his falling asleep during Martin Luther Kings III’s speech. More fodder for the media machine, I guess.

I guess I’m supposed to be feeling really good about all this hoopla, so far, Nothing. Nada. No Dice. I’d rather be watching the history channel or something else more productive.

I apologize if you came here thinking that I had some great commentary on the debates, But I just don’t. I just don’t have an impression.

I will say this, if Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton keep up the nonsense, and the Democrats lose, and we end up with John McCain AKA Bush 2.0 or that Mormon freak Mitt Romney in the White House, the Democrats will have no one to blame, but their own selves for it.

So far, color me unimpressed with the Democrats.