This here is why I cannot stand Barack Obama

People think it is because I am a racist. Which, of course, is bullshit. But, no, it has zero to do with race. It is because of crap like this right here.

Via InstaPundit:

Want to know the real cute part? The fucking story went down the memory hole, once people started noticing it and blogging about it. Steaming mad There is not anything that I cannot stand more, and that is a fucking coward.

Mike over at Cold Fury puts it a bit more bluntly:

Once more, with feeling: they don’t give a shit about you. In fact, they despise you. They intend to bring you to heel, and to make you suffer for all the damage you’ve done to Mother Gaia and little brown people all over the world with your greed and selfishness. Yes, that really is how they see you. They will use you only as long as it suits their purposes, and doesn’t conflict with their left-wing agenda. Unless you’re one of their blind-sheep followers, they intend to stomp you flat, any and every way they can. And if you continue voting for them, you deserve it.

Go read the rest of that, it gets much better. Embarrassed smile

Here is the video in question, I mean, even if he was joking; saying something like that is about as tone deaf as it gets, especially in this sort of an economic downturn.


Such arrogance. Good luck getting elected in 2012, ya idiot! Steaming mad

Others: Pajamas Media