Twas the day before the Primary…..

….and all though the land, the Primary race, was too close to call

It’s going to be an interesting day tomorrow.

I think Obama is going to surprise the pundits again.

Others: The Moderate Voice, TalkLeft, Hot Air, Taegan Goddard’s …, Democratic Strategist, Ohio Daily Blog and more (via Memeorandum)

The World’s Ugliest Woman, Stumps for Billary.

 and…. Insults John McCain in the process…. (Not that he’s any better, but!)

The Story: Stumping for Clinton, Steinem Says McCain’s P.O.W. Cred Is Overrated (Via The New York Observer)

Feminist icon Gloria Steinem took to the stump on Hillary Clinton’s behalf here last night and quickly proved that she has lost none of her taste for provocation.

From the stage, the 73-year-old seemed to denigrate the importance of John McCain’s time as a prisoner of war in Vietnam. In an interview with the Observer afterward, she suggested that Barack Obama benefits—and Clinton suffers—because Americans view racism more seriously than sexism.

Steinem also told the crowd that one reason to back Clinton was because “she actually enjoys conflict.”

My gawd, this woman was uglier than crap back in the day and she’s STILL uglier than sin. Sick

I’m not much one in to wishing death on people, but when this feckless broad goes tits up, I won’t shed a damn tear, at all.

And, how exactly has this broad really served her country? Besides by promoting Lesbianism and all other sort of Liberal ire?  

Others: Don Surber, Power Line, The Corner, Hot Air, Donklephant, JammieWearingFool and Patterico’s Pontifications

Editorial: Is there a subtle message in the new Obama Video?

Before I go any further, let me just say that I have absolutely no problem with an African-American being President. I think that it is wonderful, that we finally can, bury the "Jim Crow" racism that his scarred our much troubled past. I would much rather see someone who will not raise our taxes and promote the homosexual lifestyle and further the cause of the abortionists, but at this point, anything is better than the idiot we have in the White House now.

The fervor of Barack Obama is unbelievable, there is a new video out, that was made by one of his supporters and it is titled "We are the ones." It was made by an artist who goes by the professional name of "Will.I.Am." Previously, this same person made a video titled "Yes we can." I must confess, I enjoyed that video highly, it spoke of hope, and my friends in these hard times, especially here in Michigan, hope is all we got.

However, I am much highly concerned about the subtle message within this new video. I watched the video, I found out about from the guys over at Granted, I do not always agree with what is written over there. However, there are times when I do. Anyhow, I watched this video, and the feeling I took away from this video was that minorities in this country feel that we white people in this country owe them something.

Now folks, I hate to sound like an old curmudgeon, but I personally do not feel that I owe any minorities anything at all. I am sorry, but I was not involved in any of the lynching that took place in the south, neither was any of my family members, that I know of.

The thing most offended me the most about this video is that about half of the people in the video were speaking in Spanish. Now the way I feel about it, if you are going to produce a video, that is singing the praises of an American politician, the very least that you can do, is have the people in the video speak in English!

The biggest message that I took away from this video was, "We’re Minorities, You Owe us!" That mentality my friend is a dangerous mentality. Of course, this is, pretty much, the mentality of the Liberals, the mentality of entitlement. You owe me.

I just wonder how long it will be, before the Liberals will enforce a "Jim Crow" tax to put on white people to give to the blacks for the sins of their forefathers. If you think it will not happen, think again, Liberals know no bounds, if you give them an inch, they will take a mile.

If Mr. "Will.I.Am" wants to make a pro-America video, make it with English speaking people, and lay off the "you owe me" overtones. But then again, we are dealing with Liberals here.

Cross Posted at Wayward Fundamentalist Christian 


Screamin’ and Swoonin’

Here’s a brilliant opinion piece asking a very good question…..:

We Scream, We Swoon. How Dumb Can We Get? (via

Here’s Agence France-Presse reporting on a rally for Sen. Barack Obama at the University of Maryland on Feb. 11: "He did not flinch when women screamed as he was in mid-sentence, and even broke off once to answer a female’s cry of ‘I love you, Obama!’ with a reassuring ‘I love you back.’ " Women screamed? What was this, the Beatles tour of 1964? And when they weren’t screaming, the fair-sex Obama fans who dominated the rally of 16,000 were saying things like: "Every time I hear him speak, I become more hopeful." Huh?Read the Rest

Some hate it, some call it sexist. I think it’s funny and says much of what I’ve been saying about the whole Obama craziness.

If the Bloggers are not liking it. It must be good. Winking

(via Memeorandum)


The Political Stupidity has just shot over the Moon!

Oh My Gawd.

Racist PJ’s?!?!?!?!??!?! Raised Eyebrow

Does it get any more silly? Rolling Eyes

Ann Outhouse is, of course, a right wing wanna-be political hack. Loser

Others: The Jawa Report, JustOneMinute, AMERICAN DIGEST, Whiskey Fire, PunditGuy, Cliff Schecter and Riehl World View

Hillary moves the Goalposts!

You know, I don’t read Marc Ambinder’s Blog much, but this one was one of his best.

Unless Obama Wins, He Loses (via Marc Ambinder)

Like Marc said… "huh?"

To: Interested Parties

From: The Clinton Campaign

Date: Friday, February 29, 2008

RE: Obama Must-Wins

The media has anointed Barack Obama the presumptive nominee and he’s playing the part.

With an eleven state winning streak coming out of February, Senator Obama is riding a surge of momentum that has enabled him to pour unprecedented resources into Texas, Ohio, Rhode Island and Vermont.

The Obama campaign and its allies are outspending us two to one in paid media and have sent more staff into the March 4 states. In fact, when all is totaled, Senator Obama and his allies have outspent Senator Clinton by a margin of $18.4 million to $9.2 million on advertising in the four states that are voting next Tuesday.

Senator Obama has campaigned hard in these states. He has spent time meeting editorial boards, courting endorsers, holding rallies, and – of course – making speeches.

If he cannot win all of these states with all this effort, there’s a problem.

Should Senator Obama fail to score decisive victories with all of the resources and effort he is bringing to bear, the message will be clear:

Democrats, the majority of whom have favored Hillary in the primary contests held to date, have their doubts about Senator Obama and are having second thoughts about him as a prospective standard-bearer.

Scratch that title, in this case, She’s moving the whole damn BALL FIELD! Spin? More like a tornado.

She’s in free fall, someone get a better get her a parachute!

Rolling on the floor

Others: The New Republic, TalkLeft, Newsweek Blogs, Ben Smith’s Blogs, The Carpetbagger Report, Trailhead and others via memeorandum

Hillary Does LBJ or Mondale

How stupid.

This use of the aspect of fear to try to get herself elected, is taken right out of playbook of Karl Rove.

"It’s 3:00am and your children are asleep," a voice over says in the ad entitled "Children". "There’s a phone in the White House, and it’s ringing. Something is happening in the world. Your vote will decide who answers that call."

"Whether someone knows the world’s leaders, knows the military, someone tested and ready to lead. It’s 3am and your children are safe and asleep. Who do you want answering the phone?" the ad concludes.

Obama Shoots back:

"The question is not about picking up the phone," Obama said.  "The question is: what kind of judgment will you make when you answer? We’ve had a ‘red phone moment’. It was the decision to invade Iraq. And Senator Clinton gave the wrong answer. George Bush gave the wrong answer. John McCain gave the wrong answer."

Obama is correct. At least Obama didn’t vote for the war. Hillary did, she cannot counter that charge. Personally, I’m absolutely insulted that this feckless bitch would try and pull the terror card. That’s a bunch of bull. She should work for McCain, because she is playing his tune.

Hillary is grasping for some sort of relevance in this campaign. As far as I am concerned, she had used up that platform. She needs to stop before she looses what little dignity she has left, and that is not much, as it is.

Others on this: The Caucus, The Fix, protein wisdom, Weekly Standard, The Moderate Voice, Wake up America, The Campaign Spot, Pam’s House Blend, Althouse, Reason Magazine, MSNBC, Salon, The Carpetbagger Report, Don Surber, QandO, Gateway Pundit, No More Mister Nice Blog, Hot Air, Liberal Values, Suburban Guerrilla, PunditGuy and more via Memeorandum

The Obama NAFTA Flap.

This is borderline silly, No, it’s beyond mentally depraved.

Check it out.

My Question is, why the hell would someone get on National TV and say something and not really mean it? That’s about the most absurd thing, I’ve ever read in my entire life. 

Of course, absurdity is about the norm in the world of politics in this day and age, isn’t it?

My take on the Debates….

Okay, I watched the Debates.

Here’s the official "Political Byline" Blog reaction to the Democrat Debates.

I went in, expecting a cat fight.  What I saw was basically another civil debate.

Hillary did come out in the beginning, a bit punchy, She did NOT lose her temper, as one of MSNBC’s talking heads suggested. She simply defended herself legitimately. Plain and Simple, I didn’t detect anger at all. Anyone who suggests otherwise, is simply either biased against her, or the democrats in general.

Other than that, I detected a very calming, civil tone to the debate.

Yes, there were quite a few zingers, The Pillow Fluff crack, Hillary Musing because she’s the first to get the question.  There were a few others, but the pillow fluff crack was about the only one that I remember and yes, I howled with Laugher.

I believe, however, because I am a realist, I believe that Hillary and Obama are quite ambitious about their crusade to get National Healthcare.  If they think that the Republicans are going to just lay down and let them steam roll a National Healthcare plan through, they both have a screw loose.  Quite frankly, Conservatives will fight that tooth and nail, until the second coming of Christ. Plain and Simple. In reality, it will be a hard, strong, bloody fight. Would it be worth it? I’m not going to comment on that. Because I’m not in their shoes. I will however, continue to comment on it, even after the election, because, quite frankly, it will be an interesting topic to follow.

On Obama, about the Louis Farrakhan issue, I think the Media’s bringing that up, is playing right into the race baiting of the Conservative Media. I’m quite shocked that the MSM Media, especially MSNBC would even bother going there.

I think Obama held his own, very well. He didn’t have a knee jerk moment, at all and I think that says quite a bit about him. He’s proven to me, that he is not anywhere near the caliber of Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton, and believe me, that’s a very good thing,  

Now as far as Body language, I didn’t really pay attention to that, I listen to words, Not body language. (Unlike some people!Winking)

So, who won? I think it was pretty much even. They both did fine, I think.

Question is, what did you think? Comments?

Speaking of Stupid

This crap here, is just totally wrong.

What do I mean? Because it cheapens the Political debate.

Is saying someone’s full name, racism? No.

Is saying someone’s full name to imply that he’s a closet Muslim, and working with terrorists to overthrow the country? Yes.

Why else would this idiot say that?

Good for John McCain for apologizing for this man’s foolishness.

(H/T Memeorandum)  

Obama Stiffs the Press

There’s an interesting piece in the Politico about Obama Stiffing the Press.

I’m divided on this one.

On one hand, I think it’s not right that the press be limited in their access to a candidate. 

On the other hand, I know that the press can be ruthless in the coverage and in their quest to get a story. Here’s a classic example. The woman did wrong, but the local press was ruthless to this woman, until she killed herself. The really cruel part is, the offending station that hounded her, mentioned her death in a very cold, passing way. I used to really respect that station, in the days when Jac Le Goff and Bill Bonds were the rulers there. Now it’s little more than a idiot station, with idiots behind the desks.

So, in a way, I can fully understand Obama’s desire to keep the media at bay. It could be, however, the secret service’s doing as well. After all, Obama did get some threats a while back, it could be that seeing he’s getting so popular, it could be that they’re afraid of people getting mixed up with the media and possibly trying to take a shot at him or something.

So, while I think it might upset the media, for their access being limited, I’m sure it’s being done for a very good reason, and not just because Obama doesn’t like them.

(H/T Memeorandum)

Proof that Hillary is Desperate

You know, I make no bones about it, I cannot stand Hillary. Stuff like this Here, is why.

Check out the Picture being circulated by the Hillary camp.


For the record, many other lawmakers who visit other countries tend to dress up in that country’s dress.

To me, it just shows that Hillary is gasping for air, and that air is getting thinner by the second.

I just wish she would face facts and leave this race, to the grown up people, who don’t act like feckless children.

Others: The Corner, Captain’s Quarters, Jihad Watch, Lynn Sweet, TownHall Blog, The New Republic, Weekly Standard, Hot Air, The Swamp, The Moderate Voice, Pajamas Media, Trailhead, Salon, Below The Beltway, Newsweek Blogs, Gateway Pundit, QandO, Boston Globe, Commentary, Right Wing Nut House, The Trail, Spin Cycle, Outside The Beltway, Comments from Left Field, Macsmind, IntoxiNation,, The Daily Dish, Moonbattery, Burnt Orange Report, Blue Crab Boulevard, Ankle Biting Pundits, The American Mind, Poll Dancing, American Spectator, Taylor Marsh, JammieWearingFool and The Caucus (H/T Memeorandum)

Obama catching sand over a comment.

Whoa Boy… Obama is catching grief over a comment made at the debates.

Mostly from the far right wing nuts, who refuse to believe that our Military is nothing short of perfect.

Some people need to really look into getting real.

Even some of the comments on the Wing Nut Blogs even ADMIT that they were using enemy weapons and bullets.

But let a Liberal diss our Military?!?!?! Off with his Negro head! Surprise

Stupidity at it’s finest. Rolling Eyes

(H/T Memeorandum)


Clinton Has Edge in Ohio Texas Race Deadlocked

Looks like this might just turn out to be an interesting race.

Clinton Has Edge in Ohio; Race in Texas Deadlocked (Via Washington

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, facing a pair of big Democratic primary tests on March 4 that could determine the fate of her presidential candidacy, is deadlocked with Sen. Barack Obama here in Texas and holds a slender lead over him in Ohio, according to two new Washington Post-ABC News polls.

Of course, both of them will be working their butts off, until March 4.

The closeness of the races in Texas and Ohio underscores the challenges facing Clinton over the next 12 days of campaigning as she seeks to end Obama’s double-digit winning streak in their battle for the Democratic nomination. Those victories have given Obama a lead in delegates to the national convention and have put Clinton’s candidacy at risk unless she can rack up a string of big victories of her own.

In Ohio, Clinton leads Obama in the new poll by 50 percent to 43 percent, a significant but tenuous advantage given the shifts that have taken place in advance of previous primaries as candidates intensified their campaigns. In Texas, the race is about even, with Clinton at 48 percent and Obama at 47 percent.

The experts, however will tell you that Obama’s got it all locked up and she’s trailing for a V.P. Spot.

Either way, It will be fun to watch.

Others: The Huffington Post, Associated Press, Suburban Guerrilla, Political Machine, Wonkette, The Politico and Matthew Yglesias (via Memeorandum)

Yes, I did watch the debates.

Yeah, I watched them. You can read the transcripts here.

It seemed the debates were quite civil. At least until Keith Olbermann’s show was over. It also tended to heat up, after Keith’s show went off. Which really struck me as odd.

Yes, I did think that. "I wonder if they knew?". ThinkingConfused

A couple good lines by Hillary:

BROWN: Senator Clinton, is it the silly season?

CLINTON: Well, I think that if your candidacy is going to be about words, then they should be your own words. That’s, I think, a very simple proposition.


And, you know, lifting whole passages from someone else’s speeches is not change you can believe in, it’s change you can Xerox. And I just don’t think…

OBAMA: Come on.


CLINTON: No, but, you know, but, Barack, it is.

Because, you know, if you look — if you look — if you look at the YouTube of these videos, it does raise questions.

Now, there is no doubt that you are a passionate, eloquent speaker, and I applaud you for that. But when you look at what we face in this country, we do need to unite the country, but we have to unite it for a purpose around very specific goals.

On the outset, this may sound like she was being snarky and cute. But this most likely will hurt her run for White House. Not recorded in this official transcript was the resounding chorus of Boo’s that went up, when the comment of the Xeroxing of comments was made. It really wasn’t Clinton’s smartest move.

Other than this here, I didn’t notice any outlandish sparring by the candidates at all.  Other than the long winding sparring over heath care. Which was supposed to be about Iraq. 

There was one good moment in this debate, however, here’s the Video:

And, you know, no matter what happens in this contest — and I am honored, I am honored to be here with Barack Obama. I am absolutely honored.


CLINTON: Whatever happens, we’re going to be fine. You know, we have strong support from our families and our friends. I just hope that we’ll be able to say the same thing about the American people, and that’s what this election should be about.

I think the Democrats, like JFK, RFK, LBJ and FDR, would be proud of that moment. That Democrats, despite their differences, can come together, when the smoke clears and work together.

I just hope it works in November. Because, we do need some change, and I’m afraid that McCain just doesn’t offer it.  He is a great man, But his foreign policy and stance on the war in Iraq, is more of the same of Bush.

Others: protein wisdom, Lawyers, Guns and Money, culturekitchen,, michael linn jones, Megan McArdle, Redstate, Lonewacko, Reproductive Health, The Democratic Daily and Fraters Libertas and More via Memeorandum

Clinton to go 527 on Obama

Scary Hillary Clinton That’s what they’re saying.

My feelings are this, why can’t the woman handle her own?

Why does she need a 527 group do the dirty work for her?

I mean, If she’s so damned intent on winning the  office of the President of United States, why can’t she fight her own battles?

The way I see it, if the woman cannot handle her own, while running the Office of President of the United States, what makes you think she will be able to handle even being the President?

Is she going to call a 527 to handle an attack by Al-Qaeda?  Is she going to call a 527, when congress refuses her National Healthcare Plan?

Sounds to me like the feckless wench is just desperate. Time to quit, Hillary, while you still got your dignity. (That is assuming you had any…)

Color me unimpressed.

(H/T Memeorandum)

Obama Supporter cannot name one thing he’s done

I saw this last night and I must say, I was quite surprised that Matthews would go this route.

However, it is the truth. Obama hasn’t done much, at all, really.

Here’s the Video:

Matthews made his point, the problem was, it wasn’t on his show.

However, it did make a good point.

However, at this point, I don’t think it will matter. Obama’s so far head, there’s nothing that will stop him.

So, where were you Chris, back, say at the start of the Primaries?!?!? Rolling Eyes

Update: and Now, She’s gloating….Watch it: (H/T HotAir)

I think she should rethink using Chris Matthews as a Bragging tool.

I mean after all, this is the same network that accused her of pimping out her Daughter to get elected. 

(H/T Memeorandum)

Memo to Michelle Obama: Watch what you say lady!


“What we have learned over this year is that hope is making a comeback. It is making a comeback and let me tell you something, For the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country. And not just because Barack has done well, but because I think people are hungry for change. I have been desperate to see our country moving in that direction and just not feeling so alone in my frustration and disappointment. I have seen people who are hungry to be unified around some basic common issues. It has made me proud.”
You’d think she knows better than that. I know she didn’t anything bad by it. But you know how them right wing tools are.

This will be the big one for the talking heads tomorrow.

Obama is a Plagiarist

Now this does not surprise me a bit at all…

The Story: Obama Caught Plagiarizing 2006 Speech? (H/T to NYT)


Big Head DC has discovered alarming similarities between a speech made by Sen. Barack Obama on February 16 while campaigning for president in Wisconsin and an October 2006 speech made by Deval Patrick, the current Democratic governor of Massachusetts. The coincidences would seem to indicate that Obama copied several lines and linguistic speech patterns from Patrick’s “Just Words” speech for Obama’s own “Words Matter” speech. Indeed, words do matter. And they matter even more when they are one’s own words.

Interesting. Wasn’t another famous black leader accused of this as well?

Seems the "Magic Negro" doesn’t have a creative bone in his body.

When are people going to wake up and see this guy for what he really is, and that’s a inexperienced, snotty nosed, Negro punk, who’s trying to ride on the shoulders of Martin Luther King Jr. into the White House.

If Conservatives vote for him, it will be the death of this country. Period. I’m not for Hillary at all, and McCain is a fake too. But this is just too much.

Crossposted on my Other Blog

Others: The Moderate Voice, Ben Smith’s Blogs, The Swamp, Lynn Sweet, The Politico, TIME, Taylor Marsh, Weekly Standard, The Trail, Wonkette, Channel ’08, American Spectator, All Politics, Don Surber, MSNBC, Confederate Yankee, Hot Air, Jules Crittenden, A Chequer-Board of Nights …, Big Head DC, Flopping Aces, TownHall Blog, Faithful Progressive, Sister Toldjah and The Ruckus and more via Memeorandum

Breaking News: Obama is being accused of gay sex and drug use…..

This could get big, if it’s true…..

Sleaze charge: ‘I took drugs, had homo sex with Obama’ (via

The electrifying presidential campaign of Barack Obama faces a new challenge – a Minnesota man who claims he took cocaine in 1999 with the then-Illinois legislator and participated in homosexual acts with him.

The Video in Question:

At first I thought, “Nah…”, But, Why would someone get on Youtube, and admit that they’re gay? and say something like this, if it’s not true. I mean, after all, we do not know much about Obama, except for his very sanitized website.

This does warrant more investigation.

Update: From the feedback I am getting, this could very well possibly be a hoax. But I am leaving up the post, just an case. Some are saying that the Hillary camp might be behind this. Although, I doubt it.

Update: May 10, 2008 – This man ended up taking a lie detector test and failing. See here for more info….. and hello to the ladies in the forum debating this!

Republicans have lost their minds….

There should be a law against this sort of blatant stupidity.

Right slams Obama as ‘shady Chicago socialist’ (Via Times Online)

LEADING Republicans believe they can trounce Barack Obama in the presidential election by tarring him as a shady Chicago socialist. They are increasingly confident that his campaign could collapse by the time their attack machine has finished with him.

Grover Norquist, an influential conservative tax reform lobbyist, said: “Barack Obama has been able to create his own image and introduce himself to voters, but the swing voters in a general election are not paying attention yet. He is open to being defined as a leftwing, corrupt Chicago politician.”

Not only will this not work. But if it’s taken too much to an extreme, could really come back to bite the Republicans in the rear. One only need to go to Wikipedia to get a list of the MANY scandals that have happened during the George W. Bush Presidential Administration. Some say his stint as President was the worst ever.  I cannot say that I disagree with that.

So, I mean, they can go this route, But I would not suggest it. It would be totally disastrous for the party. 

Of course, there are some that are saying, that this is all a doing of Hillary or at least she is loving it. This would not surprise me in the least. However, I don’t think that she is directly involved, I think it is the work of an over zealous, right wing fringe. 

It should be a very interesting election year. I will be here covering it all.

Others: Althouse, Fausta’s blog, Shakespeare’s Sister, Liberal Values, Booman Tribune, No More Mister Nice Blog, American Power, Gateway Pundit, Middle Earth Journal, Oliver Willis, progressive involvement, The Ruckus, protein wisdom, Lawyers, Guns and Money, Buck Naked Politics, TalkLeft, Firedoglake, Jules Crittenden and Taylor Marsh (via Memeorandum)