My Thoughts on the MSNBC/Politico Republican Debate

For starters, I did not watch the whole thing. In fact, I was going to avoid it altogether. But, everyone else on twitter was blabbing on about it and not wanting to be left out, I flipped it on.

My impressions of what I did watch:

Rick Perry – I’m with AceEh…. Weak Tea, I thought.

Bachmann – Eh…. She’s got the substance; but not the Palin hype.

Romney – Moderate alternative to Perry

Huntsman – Same deal, different suit

Herman Cain – Token Black man, out of his league really.

Ron Paul – Heh…. Well, he was Ron Paul, Nuff said.

Gingrich – Was the attack dog of the group. Give the man a damn milk-bone and some puppy chow already!  Woof! 😛

Rick Santorum – This guy, as in the previous debate; came of as a haughty, condescending, snotty nosed, preppy punk who was all to damned happy to wave his little Christianity flag and his Bible in my and everyone’s face. Further more, the look he would shoot anyone; of whom he would disagree with, was highly offensive and frankly made me want to reach through the TV and punch the jerk right square in his silly looking nose.  Rick Santorum needs to get the heck out of this race, before he further damages his career and embarrasses the Christian Right even more so, than it is now. This is a Primary contest for the Republican choice for candidate for President of the United States of America and not of the Christian Coalition. Santorum needs to go back to what he knows; which is what he was doing before he entered this primary race.



3 Replies to “My Thoughts on the MSNBC/Politico Republican Debate”

    1. I didn’t think much of him; just another Ron Paul type. man, this was an old entry. When I saw the comment; I went “Johnson? huh?” anyhow, there is your answer. 🙂

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