Video: Living proof that Ron Paul is a paranoid conspiracy theorist and has NO business being President of the United States

I’m sorry, but when you start spewing this sort of ignorant stupidity; you lose all credibility with me. Especially when you say it at a serious Presidential debate.


I am just going to say this; I too have doubts about our Government and I too, do realize that there is cronyism in our Government — on both sides of the aisle. I also, with a full B.S. filter enabled, do sometimes read what the conspiracy theorists write. I do mainly read them for the entertainment value. However, I usually put no trust, value, faith or stock in the what is usually printed on those websites; mainly because those sites contain about 10% or less of truth and 90% or more of someone’s opinion or as is properly called theory.

That being said; I do not want my President to be a conspiracy theorist, who spouts this sort of ignorant stupidity, at all. The Republican Part is not; I repeat is not, the party of the Conspiracy theory. There might be some on the far, far, right that might believe in this idiotic nonsense, but most Republicans, including the one that I gave the Hat Tip to, find this sort of nonsense laughable. Let me also go on the record as say that I also am one of those who find this ignorance to be laughable as well.

I just know now that the Ron Paul bots are going to come here and call me a Neo-Con, a Zionist, a JEW (!) ( 😯 ) or a liberal.  Let me say this; save your breath and my bandwidth — both of my parents come from the south and I was born in Southwest Detroit as my About Me page does say.  If you Ron Paulians have a problem with that I say; you are free to kiss my Lilly-white, hairy, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant, Independent, Fundamental, King James Bible thumping Ass. (wait! Can Christians say stuff like that?!???!? 😯 ….. I just did... 😀 )

That, my friends…. is all.