Jews, Propaganda and Park 51

Here is the main reason I will not use Haaretz for reporting news stories:


After weeks of heated debate over plans for an Islamic community center near Ground Zero – the site of the 9/11 attacks on New York – it seems Muslim leaders will soon back down, agreeing to move to a new site.

The decision follows a high-profile campaign against the project that included advertisements on New York buses showing images of the burning Twin Towers, an iconic landmark razed when al-Qaida terrorists flew packed passenger planes into them in 2001. The New York Republican party is also said to be planning a hostile television campaign.

This story, of course, is bogus, false, and further proves that Haaretz is nothing more than a Zionist propoganda outlet. Even the Jerusalem Post has a bit more integrity than these guys; but not much more. There have been bogus stories float out of that paper as well.  

However, Harry Reid is now being quoted as saying that he wished that these Park51 folks would move the Mosque elsewhere. Of course, his statement is being met with anger from some of the left. I believe that this Mosque could become a thorn in the side of the Democrats come November.  

Speaking of political issues; this whole Mosque situation has me a bit ticked off. Here’s why; if any of you all believe that the Republican Party or any of the rest of these people that are raising a fuss about this damned building actually give a flying frito about that building being built —- I have land to sell you in Texas for cheap. The truth is, these people, and if you’ll pardon my frank speech — these people do not give two shits about that Building being built two blocks away from where the twin towers fell. You want to know what this is all about? Making President Obama and the Democrats look bad; so that the Republicans, whom most of these bloggers, Conservatives and other people support — can possibly win in November. Further more, this man-made controversy is also an effort by said bloggers, who I will not mention, for fear of litigation; to feed this silly Meme that President Obama is not really an American citizen, but rather a crypto Muslim and a supporter of Islamic Terrorism in America and abroad.

The problem with that idea is this; the American people, specifically independent voters are just a little bit smarter than these morons give them credit for. They know when some deranged Zionist Blogger, who also said that Obama was the love child of Malcom X, is trying to feed them a line of bullshit; and they are going to vote appropriately, as they should. That is what steams me about this whole thing. These idiots, and that is what they are, idiots; do not care about the area, they only give a crap about thier personal and political and Zionistic agendas — which is to smear ALL MUSLIMS AND ARABS as terrorists.

It is, I am afraid, what happens, when Religion and Politics become entangled.



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