Why do Conservatives and Republicans Say and Write Stupid Stuff like this?

Far from it for me to defend or even support Charles Johnson. But when the man is right — He’s right.

This has to be one of the most stupidest damned things I have ever read in the Right Wing Blogosphere yet. ….and I have been around it for quite a while.

The headline is now coming from Townhall.com:

Could the Obama Administration be Blocking Gulf Clean-up Efforts Intentionally?


At first blush this sounds like an outlandish question with a conspiratorial twist. The corollary question goes like this: Is the Obama administration intentionally scaling back clean-up efforts in the Gulf in an attempt to maximize the damage so Democrats in Congress will have an excuse to take effective control over yet another major sector of our economy and impose crippling and draconian new taxes on the American people?

We first learned of this controversy reading Sher Zieve who wrote in the Canada Free Press: “Obama is doing the bare minimum so that destruction will be at an all-time maximum — in order to shove his Cap and Trade bill (which will complete our destruction) down our throats.”

It goes on to basically accuse the President of the United States of America of purposely allowing that oil spill to continue to destroy our ecosystem; in order to further Obama’s progressive agenda. I am quite sorry my friends, but that sort of bat-shit crazy nonsense is just totally unacceptable, and before you say it is just Townhall, it is not. It is every damned where in the Conservative Blogosphere.

I am going to make something very clear here. One of things that drove me away from the Ron Paul or Pat Buchanan Paleo or Old Conservatism is this; One of them was the blatant Antisemitism and yes, blatant racism of the “Old Right” and the other was the idiotic conspiracy theories that were always being repeated. This is a classic example of that. This is the same damned stupidity that happened during the Clinton Administration years. Only turned up to 11 on the kooky conspiracy amplifier machine.

Let me be clear, (Thank you President Obama for using my favorite clarity statement and making it into a punch line…) I do realize that President Obama is a progressive and yes, I do know he has an agenda as the elected President of the United States. Every President does. But to purposefully poison our ecosystem is NOT one of them people! Please, let’s use our damned brains here a little, for something besides a hat rack.

I can tell you right now, if the Conservative grassroots and more importantly the Republican Party starts repeating this idiotic tripe during the midterms and also during the 2012 elections. I will make a prediction, the Republican Party will get it’s ASS handed to it in 2012. Stupidity like this, does not win elections, at all. Just ask Ron Paul and Pat Buchanan.

We need leadership and a sane alternative to the socialism of President Barack Obama, not this sort of blatant stupidity.

6 Replies to “Why do Conservatives and Republicans Say and Write Stupid Stuff like this?”

  1. It _is_ stupid, but I would be happier if it were so-stupid-no-one-would-consider-it, instead of stupid-but-the-actions-leave-margin-for-doubt.

    1. What actions? The man is doing things the way that he is supposed to be doing them. He is allowing BP to fix the problem. Instead of stepping in a Nationalizing BP and letting the Government fix the problem. Like the far left wants him to do.

      This stupid partisan crap is why everyone on the left mocks us.

      1. Exactly, ‘What actions?’.
        The Administration response is a litany of sins of omission.
        Why? BHO is: ideology first, power retention second, and those pesky duties to office third.

        1. Your opinion, of course. 🙄

          Yes, he could have moved more quickly. But if he’d Nationalized the oil industry, you far right wingers would have be bitching about that too.

          Partisanship is such a dreadful disease.

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