Study reported by WorldNetDaily discovers what I have known for years

It funny when educated people pay think tanks to find things out, that we common folk know already.

The Story via WorldNetDaily:

A two-year study of graduates from Catholic, Protestant and home schools found the choice of private education, when compared to public education, had significant effects on the students’ academics, civics and faith – but not necessarily the effects one might expect.

For example, the study found, the adjusted net effect on students of private, Catholic schooling versus public schooling was to produce graduates even less likely to believe in moral absolutes, to respect the authority of the Catholic Church, to believe in the infallibily of Scripture or to condemn premarital sex.

The study also discovered, for example, that “the stereotypical picture of the highly political right-wing Protestant Christian is false,” finding that graduates of Christian schools are less engaged in politics than their peers, as measured by talking less about politics, participating less in campaigns and donating less to political causes.

“In contrast to the popular stereotypes portraying Christian schools as promoting a socially fragmented, anti-intellectual, politically radical and militantly right-winged lifestyle,” claims the survey from Cardus, a think tank focusing on North American society, “this comprehensive study reveals a very different picture of the Christian school graduate.”

How so?

“Compared to their public school, Catholic school and non-religious private school peers,” the study determined, “Protestant Christian school graduates are uniquely compliant, generous, outwardly-focused individuals who stabilize their communities by their uncommon commitment to their families, their churches and larger society. … Graduates of Christian schools donate money [to charity] significantly more than graduates of other schools, despite having lower household income. Similarly, graduates of Protestant Christian schools are more generous with their time, participating far more than their peers both in service trips for relief and development and in mission trips for evangelization.”

At first blush, someone would say that this is Joseph Farah taking a swipe at Roman Catholicism. However, there are a few interesting nuggets in here. For one, this study dispels the notion that everyone that comes through a Christian School is some sort of ultra right-wing Republican Conservative. Heck, I have known that for years. I spent a good deal of my young life in various Christian Schools; run by Baptists and Pentecostals — and I voted Democratic Party up until 2008, when I decided that I was not going to go with the herd anymore. Further more, I do not view myself as a Republican and not even remotely Ultra Right Wing. Right of Center is what I like to call myself.

Further more, this study also tells a few other things that I have known for years. One, it shows that not everyone that comes into a Christian School; is always a Christian. In fact, some of the worst kids in society, end up in Christian Schools. I know this personally, I have seen some real “winners” get tossed into Christian Schools in effort to change them. Sad, it usually did not work and the kids ended up getting kicked out and sent to Juvenile or some sort of a reform school.

It also shows that Humans are not to keen on having Christian doctrine rammed down their throat. This never really happened to me personally at the schools that I went to, when I was a kid. I accepted Christ at a very young age. So, there was no need to push the Christian bit into me. I already knew about it. But there were those in the schools who had Religion forced upon them; and some rebelled against it, when they were older and some did not. It really all depended on the person. I am very happy to report, that I was never one of the kids, who grew up with Church, Religion and such being rammed down my throat and being forced into going to Church. I went because I wanted to go. My parents were not, and still are not regular Church attendees.

Lastly, Let me say this to my small, but dedicated readership. I stand before you as a shining example of the fact, that Christian and Catholic Schools are not for people with learning disabilities. Especially those who use the ACE system. It stands for Accelerated Christian Education. I personally think it should stand for A-holes Cannot Educate.  I have mentioned in passing on here, that I have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Well, let me tell you; ADHD and ACE school do not work together at all. At least not real good. My Math, due to the ADHD is horrible. It’s getting better with age and I seem to be able to maintain my finances decently. I’ve never been overdrawn at all.  But going to the ACE school, that I went to, which turned out to be my last school — was a nightmare. Especially, when I got past the easy math. This was compounded by the fact that the teacher, who was very good — retired. Then her replacement was lousy, that caused me much problems.  Now to be clear, I do not blame my parents for any of this; my Mom and Dad did what they felt was best for me. Which was to get me out of public schools — especially those in Detroit — which were, and still are absolutely horrible.

Again, let me stress this; I believe that I turned out rather well, with the education that I did get. Some of my family members did not turn out as well. One of them ended up dead.  I did not do as well, as my Parents would have wanted, but I could have been worse, much worse, trust me.

The article at WorldNetDaily is an interesting read and I think you should check it out.  As for me, I have personally business to do and I am running late! 😯