Liberals finally figure out that President Obama is not a middle class person

Well, they are a little slow:

Here is a fact: Barack Obama has trouble generating enthusiasm among white working class voters. That’s not because they are white. He would have had trouble winning support among black working class voters if they had been unable to identify with him because he was black. He has trouble with working class voters because he appears to them as coming from a different world, a different realm of experience, a different class, if you like. And that’s because he does.

I have recently read several stories about Obama that treat these difficulties as if they were paradoxical. The latest is from The Washington Post. “Despite his roots,” the article is headlined, “Obama struggles to show he’s connected to middle class.” And the story—which seems to use middle class, working class, and blue collar interchangeably—describes his supposedly non-elitist roots as follows: “He turned down high-paying jobs after graduating from Harvard Law School and became a community organizer, compelled by the experience of growing up with a single mother who sometimes lived on food stamps. He married a woman from a working-class family on the South Side of Chicago, and they rented a walk-up condominium in Hyde Park.”

The first thing to note about this description is that, like many accounts I have read of Obama’s life, it gets its facts wrong. He didn’t become a community organizer after graduating from Harvard Law School, but after graduating from Columbia. He left community organizing to attend Harvard Law School. After graduating from law school, he joined a prestigious Chicago law firm with offices just off Michigan Avenue. In 1991, he began teaching constitutional law at the University of Chicago. He was chair of a Chicago branch of the Annenberg Foundation. Obama’s wife, who admittedly did grow up working-class, nevertheless graduated from Princeton and Harvard Law School. And Hyde Park is a pricey upper-middle-class section of Chicago.

via He’s A Yuppie | The New Republic.

Who wrote this? A Republican? A Conservative? Nope. A card-carrying Marxist.  Here is his profile on Wikipedia. This guy is about as left wing as it gets. When the Marxists are saying that Obama is a rich, out of touch, elitist, then it is a good sign that he just might be that.

Of course, I knew this; hell, every damned Conservative and Republican Blogger knew this since the time that Obama shot forward in the primaries in 2007. However, there is a broader point that I believe some Bloggers are missing here and I guess I will have to be the one to say this. Most politicians are not your typical, “Lay in the gutter”, lower middle class bums, who have never done anything in life. Most politicians, Liberal and Conservative, are successful people, who have actually made something of themselves, and actually worked for what money they have. In other words, it was not given to them by the Government; like the Marxists think it should be.

I might grudge President Obama for many things, his sissified stance on Terrorism, his disastrous domestic policy, and so on. But there is one thing that I will never grudge him for, and that is the that he actually went to school and became a lawyer. I have no gripes with the fact that the man is financially well off. There are those who might, and they have their point, I suppose. But I do not fault a man, who is successful, that is a socialist mentality. Which is against the wealthy or successful man. I used to think like that; but no longer. I figure if a man is successful at something, God Bless him for it. That is the American dream and I find no fault in anyone who is a success at what they do.