Looks like Bathtub Boy stuck his foot in this mouth again

A follow up to what I set for an post at 9:00 this morning… Looks like Keith Olbermann might have made a slight mistake.

Tommy Christopher explains:

Just hours after Jon Stewart’s sharply observant takedown of Keith Olbermann’s Special Comment segments, the Countdown host launched into a diatribe that made Stewart’s segment look like a love letter. In railing against yesterday’s hotly debated Supreme Court decision, he effectively said it was worse than slavery, and compared Floyd Abrams, who is Jewish, to a Nazi.

Is Keith losing it?

While the wisdom of the court’s decision is the subject of heated debate, the ramifications are not. Earlier in the show, Howard Fineman said that he didn’t think they could be overstated. He was wrong.


His assertion that this decision was worse than Dred Scott doesn’t just border on offensive, it crosses it and buys a condo. Comparing renowned First Amendment lawyer Floyd Abrams to Nazi Vidkun Quisling is vile on its face, so far beyond the pale that the pale needs a telescope to see it, but it also reveals a key symptom of Olbermann’s creeping mania. This was personal.

Floyd Abrams, as is widely known, is the father of this site’s founder, Dan Abrams. He and Olbermann were colleagues for years at MSNBC, and Olbermann provided the lead-in for “Verdict with Dan Abrams.” I don’t know anything about their relationship, but I know that such a personal connection to a story would warrant either extremely sensitive handling (strike one), disclosure of said connection (strike two), or both (the whiff!).

Head on over read this take down of Olbermann. Tommy Christopher is quite the liberal and when he is complaining, something is dreadfully wrong. I knew this, when Olbermann brought the actress on who called the Tea Party protesters, “White Racist Bigots”; that was the end for me. Now, it seems liberals are seeing it too. Good for them.

Bottom Line: Olbermann’s Schick is long past its shelf life and I think he needs to go back to sports, badly.