John Edwards admits that he is an womanizing tool

The tool finally admits that he is a rather large tool…

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The Story via MSDNC:

For the first time, John Edwards is publicly admitting that he is indeed the father of a 2-year-old daughter conceived with Rielle Hunter, a campaign videographer with whom he had an affair.

In a written statement provided exclusively to NBC News, the former North Carolina senator and Democratic presidential candidate says he’s taking responsibility for the child, Frances Quinn Hunter:

“I am Quinn’s father. I will do everything in my power to provide her with the love and support she deserves. I have been able to spend time with her during the past year and trust that future efforts to show her the love and affection she deserves can be done privately and in peace.

It was wrong for me ever to deny she was my daughter and hopefully one day, when she understands, she will forgive me. I have been providing financial support for Quinn and have reached an agreement with her mother to continue providing support in the future.

To all those I have disappointed and hurt these words will never be enough, but I am truly sorry.”

Harrison Hickman, Edwards’ close friend and personal adviser, spoke to NBC’s Lisa Myers on Edwards’ behalf.

“The senator wants to say, first of all, that he is the father of Quinn,” Hickman said.  “Secondly, he wants people to know that he has provided for her and will continue to provide for her, as he should, both financially and emotionally.”

Edwards is not speaking publicly today, at least in part because of an ongoing federal investigation into whether campaign money was used to try to cover up the affair. He has denied wrongdoing. Hickman said that Edwards wanted to be honest about his child, but also wanted to protect his privacy.

“He’s not doing this as a way to try to bring attention to himself,” Hickman said. “He’s doing this as a way … to begin to put this behind, not just him, but everybody else who’s been affected by this.”

Edwards’ attorneys say he’s been seeing Quinn and providing financial support for about a year, and just signed a child support agreement with Hunter. A spokesperson for Elizabeth Edwards says she learned last summer that Quinn is her husband’s child.

Womanizing tool. 😡 This story is a bit personal for me. When I was still on the “Half assed left of center” side of the fence, I bought this jackass fool’s story of being some sort of a populist or “man of the people.” Yes, I know, I am an idiot for actually believing that; but hey, I was on the wrong side of the fence at the time. The second reason why this jackass tool’s crap makes me so angry, is because of what he did, while his wife was dying of cancer, and by the way, she’s still dying of cancer and the best this tool can say is, “Sorry, my bad….” Screw him….screw him hard. Here is hoping that this fucking asshole, and yes, I called him a fucking asshole; here is hoping that he dies of fucking testicular cancer or at least has to get his nuts cut off. What this beast did was unforgivable, in my book and I hope like hell that he suffers in his last days for what he did to his poor wife.

Yeah, I know what he is trying to do with his image…. 🙄 Good luck with that one Silky Pony, you idiot fucking tool.