Why do Liberals Hate Alan Grayson because he is a Jew?

Once again, the so-called Moral Authority has a double standard moment:

Since defeating an incumbent in Florida’s Republican-heavy 8th congressional district last year, Rep. Alan Grayson has emerged as one of the progressive movement’s most vocal champions. His attacks on Republican obstruction of healthcare reform and staunch opposition to escalation in Afghanistan have earned Grayson effusive praise from many liberal bloggers and activists.

Even before his election, Grayson gained recognition from the Wall Street Journal for being a “fierce critic of the war in Iraq” who sported a “Bush Lied, People Died” bumper sticker on his car. Recently, Grayson to CNN, “People want to see a congressman with guts. And America likes to hear the truth.”

Grayson has battled for the public option and opposed the wars Obama has inherited from Bush. Of course, these positions are upheld by a broad swath of congressional Democrats and, at least in the case of the public option, are supported by a majority of Americans. But when it comes to the Israel-Palestine conflict, Grayson is fully programmed by AIPAC and the pro-war, pro-settlements wing of the Israel Lobby.

via Gutsy progressive congressman Alan Grayson leads a double life. – mondoweiss.net

This is the same left that likes to decry people like Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul as Anti-Semites and Racist bigots. But you let one of their own happen to agree with the idea that Israel has a right to exist and that this homeland of the Jews deserves to be defended from outside threats and the Liberal’s standard changes rather quickly.

The double standard is stunning.

3 Replies to “Why do Liberals Hate Alan Grayson because he is a Jew?”

  1. Alan Grayson is the absolute worst of the worst Congressional Representatives. It has nothing to do with whether he was born a Jew, or whether he even considers himself to be a Jew. No. He is a bad representative and a bad person for the following reasons:

    1. He lied and misrepresented his agenda to obtain bi-partisan and independant support when he ran for office. It turns out that he is a carpet-bagging Bronx-born, Washington DC Lawyer stooge who moved into his district for one reason only – to sneak a political seat for leftist democrats.

    2. Alan Grayson advocates the fraud of Cap-and-Trade. This is the fraud led by the Al Gore Global Warning folks organized to try to scare ignorant people into voting for more taxes that will benefit companies aligned with Al Gore and Alan Grayson’s interests.

    3. Alan Grayson advocates for Socialized Medicine. Some people now call this Obama Hell-Care. Because, little by little, despite Grayson’s efforths to cover this up and lie about what’s acutally in the legislation, we are discovering that this is a HUGE tax grab for Democrats and redistribution of money made by working people to welfare leaches and illegal aliens. This is the Democrat plan for buying more votes for more power.

    4. Alan Grayson has advocated for higher taxes. Bigger government. More power for Grayson and his stooges. Do we really need to be giving Alan Grayson MORE power? I guess some people, like Grayson, were born to be tyrants and will stop at nothing until he gets there.

    5. Alan Grasyon protects the lawyers who make their living suing doctors. Don’t believe me??? Then, ask Mr. Grayson why he wouldn’t include tort reform as part of his support of Obama Hell-Care. It’s because he’s a lawyer. He protects his lawyer friends so that they can keep making good doctors lives miserable, milking insurance paid for by the good doctors, and permitting medical liability insurers to charge bigger and bigger malpractice premiums.

  2. One important issue Alan Grayson is in line with, is being of the same mind and heart as Jesus Christ.

    He cares about the poor and downtrodden people of this country.

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