Joe Wilson Redux

I figured that this would happen. But it appears that Congressman Joe Wilson is getting the “Joe The Plumber” treatment from the Liberal Media. I figured that this would happen; seeing that he dared to challenge the great fuhrer. So, now, Obama orders a blitzkrieg against the Congressman. But it did get the bill changed; which is good thing.

Hopefully, Joe Wilson can survive the onslaught from the Liberal Fascists.

Again, as I wrote before; What he did was disrespectful. But, I believe that the President is not a king and he should be challenged, if it is thought that he is lying.

3 Replies to “Joe Wilson Redux”

  1. Check out the link I got from Rush Limbaugh- Demonrats booed and hecked President Bush at 2005 State of the Union as he was telling the Truth about Social Security. We boo a lie and get bashed. Weird. 😯

    Strange how that works ain’t it? 🙂

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