The Painfully Obligatory Sotomayor confirmation posting

Yeah,  I know “The Wise Latino” will be confirmed. I could; quite honestly give two flips.

I am just going to say this; so brace yourselves. If the Republican Party wants to win in 2010 and in 2012. They need to seriously focus on fixing their Party and start promoting themselves as an sane, and yes, I do mean; SANE alternative to the Communist-lite Socialism of the Democratic Party.

Further more, they need to stop making themselves look like a bad imitation of the fucking three stooges. Yeah, that’s right. I am talking about John McCain, Sarah Palin, Sanford; all of them. The damn party just freakin’ lost it. With the election of George “Wilsonian” Bush. Big Government Conservatism just does not work; Period.

So, this Hearing, is the least of my worries at the moment. I’m worried about the future of this damn Country. It’s just too damn bad that more Republican and Conservative Bloggers do not agree with me.