Video: They’re Shutting Detroit Down

In this music video, which features Mickey Rourke and Kris Kristofferson, you will see the plight of many in this area.  In this Video are actors, But the situation being portrayed in this movie, is the reality of many in this area.

How anyone can watch this, and still say to themselves, let them fail. Does not have a damned soul.

They say, politics is local; That does not even begin to cover it. 😡

Enjoy the Video:

21 Replies to “Video: They’re Shutting Detroit Down”

  1. Unions are to blame for the auto industry.

  2. Businesses fail all the time. People bite the dust and move on. Giving more money to failed business that carry on with the same business model will ensure failure. How can Americans just sit there and let the gov take your money away and give it to these failed businesses’ fat cats?! If they take your money and open plants elsewhere, then you should all boycott it. Opening plants elsewhere has only 1 winner: the highest echelon in the company. Americans lose their money and their jobs, overseas workers work at slave labor. All the profit goes to the fat cats up top. “Buy American” is bullshit. There is nothing American about the product other than its image. Everything else is made overseas. In fact you may be buying Mexican or Chinese.

    It is quite ridiculous that the wage difference between the East and the West is so great. How is America supposed to compete when they ask for so much more money?

  3. I have said for years PMS rules the world. P-power M-money S-Sex. Everyone wants some. They that have it want more. They that don’t ,are trying to get in the click. What does a person do with more than a million dollars? Even Bill Gates doesn’t know what to do with all his money,so he gives it away. The whole American system is wrong. Manufactorers spend a lot of money in advertising and add it to the cost of the product, thus raising the price of the product, then the workers want more pay, then the price goes up and the cycle starts again. If the managers had to work on the line for a day, things would change.They are all overpaid. In 2004 a Chevrolet Malibu cost $24000 +set up fee + license + Taxes +Insurance in Auburn Calif. I bought one fully equipped for
    $17284. The Mexican Gov paid $3000 Through NAFTA to have it imported into Mexico. Therefor the value of the car should be $14284.I got a year of insurance,no taxes,+included License for a year.Something is wrong with the American system. I am an American Missionary living in Mexico.

  4. It seems that Mr. Shades of Knight thought he’d be cute and start abusing other commenters, like me and some others.

    Anyhow, he is banned from viewing the blog. I do not tolerate abusive comments here, at all period. I have a “Zero Tolerance policy” on trolls.

    The comment policy is here, please REVIEW IT!



  5. Mr. Shades brought up the fact that I said, “Fuck you” to him. Yes, I did. Because of his snide attitude and insults towards the autoworkers themselves, which, by the way, includes my dad. I let his idiotic stuff slide for a while, but then it seemed he was intent on insulting myself and others who disagreed with him or whom he disagreed with. I just won’t have that here.

    There’s just a limit on so much that I will tolerate here….and he crossed it. Period, End of story, don’t like it? Go start your own blog.

    End of discussion.


  6. 1) Thanks to Pat for lifting the ban.

    2) Question to the group. Is there any reason, other than the Big Three themselves, why a small-business sort of entrepreneur couldn’t get off the ground with a small-business car manufacturing company?

    The reason I ask is because I just realized something. United Artists (the movie company) started pretty much the same way… a group of laid off and black-balled artists banded together and started putting out movies. The companies that tried to ruin them are today nowhere to be found… Can’t we make that happen again, but this time with the Automakers? I mean, why can’t the laid-off employees get together and build cars?

    Other than the Big Three ruining them… why couldn’t this work?

  7. Doubly so now, human decency demands that GM & Chrysler fail. Legitimate recovery depends on it.

  8. The video is so sad… But so true…
    It just makes my blood boil in anger at those bankers! When you work your whole life, and one day they take it all away…
    The funny thing is that All the bailouts to the banks are about 12.9 Trillion. And with about 9.2Trillion all of the home loans in US could of been paid for. So its not bad mortgage loans, its the bankers!
    I really respect the information on so check it out too.


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