Tuesday Short Takes

I have to take my Mom to the Doctors Office today. So, for now my short takes on the Headlines today:

  1. Vermont Legalizes the Gay Blades right to marry, overturns veto. Poor ol’ Veto, it’ll take forever to get him right side up.
  2. Some dude from some show on T.V. is going to the White House to help Barry. Thank God, that man needs all the help he can get. Maybe he can help him actually look like he knows what he is doing.
  3. President Teleprompter makes an unannounced visit to Iraq. Hopefully, Barry will avoid calling Iraq a stupid war; at least in front of the troops anyhow.
  4. More torture memos come out. It doesn’t look pretty folks.
  5. The Congress and Obama White Honeymoon is over, due to defense cuts.
  6. More Gitmo Soap Opera, does it ever end?
  7. Al-Franken/Stevens Gate continues. Just seat the friggin guy and get it over with!
  8. The Turkey-in-Chief holds a townhall….in Turkey. Reportedly Barry said he felt right at home.
  9. No Risk Insurance at the F.D.I.C.
  10. David Brooks is still crying in his beer over Obama.
  11. Some idiot Rag-headed fool from Canada flew a small plane from Canada to Rush Limbaugh’s home state, and they say “Oh, he’s just a headcase… Nothing to see here… move along…”, and how do you sleep at night?
  12. The idiot G.O.P. Chief, in Virginia, who was outset for being a crook and quite the bone headed idiot is now going to try and run again. Stupid is, as stupid does.
  13. No more turbans for Women in Afghanistan. Such a shame, as most of them women are damned ugly. Well, at least now, you’ll be able to tell the Women from the men folk, and our military will know which one’s to shoot.
  14. The Ice is melting in the Arctic, someone get a mop.
  15. NY-20 is leaning towards Murphy. I hope Murphy’s wearing a hard hat. If that thing falls it might hurt!

There’s a ton more, but I’m running out of time, for the rest head on over to Memeornadum to check out the latest headlines. I’ll be back later today for some in depth Blogging.

Comments are on Moderate until I get back.

Update: I’m back! Comment Moderation is now off. 😀