The Zombi Blog makes a very valid point….

I have to admit the man has a good point….

Via ZomBlog:

Now, whenever any Christian group tries to “cure” gays of homosexuality, or (as happened recently) campaigns to ban gay marriage in California, there are IMG_9171 invariably eruptions of outrage in the Castro and throughout the San Francisco gay community, often culminating in protest marches, citizen forums, lawsuits, and more. Which is to be expected.

However, I have not heard the slightest peep of protest about these ISLAM ads appearing in gay neighborhoods.


Furthermore, clerics associated with ICNA have issued fatwas against homosexuality. Again, even cursory Web searches bring up many links of all sorts suggesting that ICNA — like most fundamentalist Islamic parties — is unapologetically opposed to homosexuality, and advocates strict adherence to Islamic law, under which the penalty for homosexual acts is death.

And yet — there is a resounding silence from San Francisco’s gay community about these ads, which aIMG_9184re paid for by a group whose ultimate goal is to outlaw homosexuality in the United States. Imagine, for a moment, if a Christian group with similar goals had paid for and displayed proselytizing ads in the Castro. The outrage would be deafening. And yet  when a Muslim group does it — silence. Why? There’s only one possible answer: Fear.

The cowardice and hypocrisy of the gay activist community on this issue is deeply troubling.

Zombi’s got a good point here. But one must realize, the radical Islamic people and even the not-so-radical Islamic people and your radically far lefty Liberals are usually playing on the same team. Both are Anti-American and both are against the ideals that America is founded on. So, there’s not going to be much conflict there. Christianity and it’s morals are in conflict with the Liberal establishment and also is what the radical Islamic Muslims are fighting against.

Good show Zombie, just thought I’d toss that in to help out a little Big Grin