The Obligatory AIG-Gate Posting

The sappy soap opera that is the AIG-gate scandal continues. If you want to read about that nonsense, go here. I am about as interested in this, as I am knitting. Economics is not my thing, at all.

One note of interest, my far right wing friend Michelle Malkin is having a fit over supposed death threats to the employees of AIG. Which makes me wonder, did she have this same of sort of concern for the two families that she maligned and revealed personal info about, like what kind of cars they drove; during the SCHIP program debacle? ThinkingI dont know

Just sayin’… Cool

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One Reply to “The Obligatory AIG-Gate Posting”

  1. While I think the death threats are a joke to begin with, the anger that sparked the threats are not. We should be mad about what the government is doing to us and the economy. The SS AIG should’ve been let sink a long time ago. Can we honestly say our situation could be much worse had we let it? “It’s too big to fail.” Give me a break. Capitalism is always about the strong surviving and the weak getting replaced. Obama and his eggheads know as much about economics as blind people do about driving.

    Thanks for the comment, but next don’t spam my Blog. 😀 -Pat

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