Hey Jew Boy! Stop the damn whining!

Some idiot lefty by the name of Ezra Klein is now whining because someone left a rather silly comment on Ann Althouse‘s Blog.

Hey Asshole, here’s some fucking hate for you. If you want to call it that; I call it fucking reality……

I am not a “Anti-Semite” as a rule, but Hitler did have a point. If the fucking Jews had kept their God-Damned noses out of World War I, The Holocaust never would have happened. Now how Hitler dealt with the situation, is another story. But to sit and say that Hitler did that which he did for no reason, is just utter bullshit. There was a reason.

Now don’t get me wrong, I am not some sort of Holocaust denier. It happened, it was terrible, and I hope nothing insane like that happens again. Although, I will not lie to you, Barack Obama scares the shit out of me. I’m waiting to be taken from my home and sent off to some camp, because I am a fucking Conservative.

However, one cannot over look the rash of Hoaxes that have come from the Jewish community as of late. Barnie Madoff, That idiot that wrote the book about the Holocaust and most of it was; turns out, fiction. I won’t even get into the story of Anne Frank.

The truth is, when anyone, like myself or Pat Buchanan attempt to try and criticize anyone in the Jewish community; we’re smeared as racists and “Anti-Semite.” Which is so damned typical of the Liberal and Zionist Neo-Conservative Communities.

Kinda of reminds of another minority group as well. 🙄