26 Replies to “Police State?: Minnesota Cop rams van with Father and three kids in it”

  1. That so called police officer was just looking to throw her weight around. Well she did it alright. Now she should pay for her little flight of fantasy. A few minutes of power and maybe years of unemployment. Sounds fair to me.

      1. Paleo Pat: email me at
        PresidentDon@antelecom.net, Google for:Don Cordell and you will see my listing very first thing. Google constantly monitors my site with new data headings all the time. I’m very serious about the security of our nations future. WE must return control to the citizens, and do it now.

  2. Cops out of control, has anyone ever asked this simple question? Why do police not have to do drug tests randomly for employment? The Construction Trades do constantly, to insure a safe working environment. The reason this does not happen is because POLICE would not be able to pass them. If you look at the hiring standards of say Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, DRUG DEALERS ARE WELCOMED. I KID YOU NOT, it is on their OFFICIAL WEB HIRING PAGE. It does not disqualify CURRENT DRUG DEALERS, so the question of the INTIGRITY and COMPETENCY of POLICE is not in question, THEY HAVE NONE.

    [Um, I checked, it doesn’t say that at all…. -Pat]

    I have to disagree with you getting mad at the comment from the guy who thought police should be killed. Freedom of Speech is legal, and FREEDOM OF THOUGHT IS LEGAL. Just because you dont like what is said or how it is said, DOES THAT MAKE IT WRONG? If you have ever been tortured by police, and I have, then when you see a comment like that, there is a good chance so was that person.

    [Tortured or not. Making statements like that in my blog, is not permitted, as a rule, But I thought I’d be easy on a guy. Ya know? -Pat]

    Nothing like being tortured in your own country by your own GOVERNMENTS paid workers. After being to combat twice, I never thought that I would have to worry about being TORTURED when I was in the United States of America. Well, when it happened, let me tell you, if I was in any of those former country’s and I met the Police who did that to me here, I would shoot them without any compulsion as being the enemy.

    I find it disturbing that Americans allow Terrorism inside their own borders, and its allowed just because a degenerate human who worships a badge is given more power than petty dictators overseas. TERRORISM BY THE BADGE, no I think that comment by that PISSED OF CITIZEN is quite accurate.

    [MmmmmKay… -Pat]

  3. Police constantly abuse our Constitution and Bill of Rights, they enter homes without warrents, the stop drivers on flimsy excuses and tell you right out, shut up, I’m doing the talking. What are you doing with money on your person, we believe that is drug money and we are taking it from you. Abuses left and right, and only Don Cordell as your future president will stop this. Wait until they enact Martial Law, you have not seen brutality yet, and it’s coming to a town near you soon. When our government enacts the new Constitution and NO Bill of Rights, then you will finally believe me. We must Restore this nation, not “CHANGE you can believe in”. What do you think will happen to America when unemployement is at 20% this coming year? Will you steal groceries to feed your hungry children? Where are you and your family going to live, when there are already 22 million foreclosures? More coming if we do not retake control of our nation. Obama will not do it, he is a patsy for the final destruction of our freedoms, and he doesn’t know it. How else do you think he was elected?

    1. Hi Don,

      Thanks for the comment. If you would like to set up and Blog and need help. Let me know. I can be of assistance.

      ….and I agree with what you said… things are quite bad.

    2. Is your take on the situation one of the main reasons Americans are so enamoured of their weapons? Is distrust of government and its minions (strong arm of the law)the foundation for that desire to own guns?

      1. Hi Archie,

        I would say yes. Not that there’s anything wrong with it. 😀 😉

        I am quite pro-gun myself. I would get a permit to own one, but 1.) I cannot afford one and 2.) I do not live on my own, as it were, I am living with my parents, who are, in fact, Democrats and do not like guns at all. So, I’m kinda stuck. 🙁 Long story on that one, if you want to drop me a message, click on the contact me link and I’ll explain it.



        1. Thanks Pat, I was just wondering because my brother-in-law who lives in Oregon has a collection of 25 ready to use guns and I’ve often attempted to understand his fascination. He can’t really explain it. I think it’s more emotional with him but I’m just unable to follow the rationale. That’s why I was wondering if it was distrust of government.

  4. Concerns about government are one set of reasons to own guns. Some people like to own guns to hunt, or to target practice. Some like guns because the mechanisms are interesting. It is possible to own 25 or more guns because they do different things, because you use them for different purposes, and because owning a collection is rewarding in itself. There are people who own 25 cars or 25 model sailboats or 25 go-carts or 25 model aircraft, and you don’t consider them strange.

    Owning guns is a direct way to prepare for many types of emergencies, including criminal misconduct. People in government aren’t the only ones who act criminally. As a criminal deterrent, and as an ability to respond to crime, gun ownership dramatically reduces the cost of paid police forces and sheriff departments. And, in the time it takes most police to respond, very bad things can happen to unarmed victims of crime.

    Yes, owning guns may be motivated in some cases by a concern that the police are abusive and out of control, or that those in government want to make things worse, seize property, herd everyone into cattle cars. Certainly one sees chilling parallels between the text of the 1968 gun act in this country and the 1938 gun act in Nazi Germany.

    Suppose one were to advocate killing police out of hand. How could that possibly make them more abusive, more vindictive, more brutal? Not advocating their deaths at the hands of their victims has evidently not restrained them in any way.

  5. How dare they think that they can ram a citizens vehicle!
    I am totally against this femi- nazi and she should be fired!
    I live in MN and have been threatened myself with being rammed because I didn’t pull over when the cop told me to.
    How dare they think they can do this!
    Notice how they began taking, “to protect and serve” off the police vehicles in the 80’s.
    Getting ready for a police state.
    I pray against corrupt officers and ask the good Lord to have as much mercy on them as they have had on persons during their term of duty.
    Shame on them!

  6. Under Section II of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Departments Hiring Standards and I quote:

    II.You will be asked about your use of illegal drugs and drug sales.

    We had a discussion about this last night Pat, and that is exactly what it says. THEY HIRE DRUG DEALERS and DRUG USERS, Period.

  7. Welcome to the “New World Order” no longer a scifi movie or book……..thsi si of things to come and they are already happening more and more..We have no rights anymore..the cops, the military rule..we are nothing to them..they care none of anyone’s safety..This is the New Gestapo…………..Freedom…….is our motto..our Constitution is the way to live by..not any other way…….cop did not care about anyting..she was out to make her cut….regardless of anyone that would or could have gotten hurt…the children! It could ahve been any of us in any road in this country..we are no longer safe to trust those over us……

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