Uh-oh: For the sake of Iraq and our Future, I hope like hell this isn’t true.

A blog calling itself “Roads to Iraq” is reporting that the shoe throwing Iraqi Journalist is in American Custody and is being, in fact being tortured.

Anyone that has any kind of information that can dispell this rumor or can verify that it is true, please let me know, by using the contact button or replying to this post.

Your privacy is assured.

Update:  I sent the link to this entry out via twitter and put a hash tag for the “Top Conservatives on Twitter” group on it. I received a reply back from someone here’s what it said, this is from a twitter user named Kudzu630

#tcot no he’s in Iraqi custody per the SOFA agreement and we DON’T TO TORTURE PEOPLE! #fs

However, reading some of his tweets, it does not appear that he is even in Iraq. But was rather giving an opinion. So, my offer still stands, if anyone knows of the whereabouts of this man and his condition, please, let me know.